我在做什么:我正在用 C++ 编写一个国际象棋引擎。我最近更新了我的引擎的 minimax 搜索算法,它使用 alpha-beta 修剪来利用迭代加深,以便它可以在时间限制下运行。这是它的外观:
//I return a string, int pair. The string represents the best move found, while the int represents the engine evaluation for the node after said move is made
static std::pair<string, int> iterativeDeepeningSearch(Board initialPosition, int maxDepth, milliseconds maxSearchTime)
std::pair<string, int> bestMove;
milliseconds startTime = duration_cast<milliseconds>(
for (int currentDepth = 1; currentDepth <= maxDepth; currentDepth++)
milliseconds currentTime = duration_cast<milliseconds>(
if (currentTime > startTime + maxSearchTime)
return bestMove;
std::pair<string, int> bestMoveFoundFromMinimax = minimax(initialPosition, currentDepth, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, "", "", startTime + maxSearchTime);
if (bestMoveFoundFromMinimax.first != "") {
bestMove = bestMoveFoundFromMinimax;
return bestMove;
我的问题:这个实现的问题是,在任何大于 1 的深度搜索时,它会在搜索所需深度之前搜索所有先前的深度。也就是说,这个迭代加深搜索首先搜索深度 1 处的所有移动。然后,它不会在下一次搜索时选择深度 2,而是再次搜索深度 1 ,然后搜索深度 2。然后它会搜索之前的深度 1 和 2搜索深度 3。等等。
作为参考,这是我使用 alpha beta 剪枝的(草率的)极小极大函数:
static std::pair<string, int> minimax(Board node, int depth, int alpha, int beta, string move, string firstMove, milliseconds breakOffTime)
if (breakOffTime != std::chrono::milliseconds(0))
milliseconds currentTime = duration_cast<milliseconds>(
if (currentTime > breakOffTime)
return std::make_pair("", 0);
Moves &moves = Moves::getInstance();
if (moves.isCheckmate(node))
if (node.getWhiteToMove())
return std::make_pair(firstMove, INT_MIN);
return std::make_pair(firstMove, INT_MAX);
if (depth == 0)
return std::make_pair(firstMove, Rating::getCentipawnValue(node));
if (node.getWhiteToMove())
string bestMove = firstMove;
int bestValue = INT_MIN;
string pseudoLegalMoves = moves.pseudoLegalMovesW(node);
if (pseudoLegalMoves.length() == 0)
return std::make_pair(firstMove, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < pseudoLegalMoves.length(); i += 4)
string individualMoveString;
individualMoveString += pseudoLegalMoves[i];
individualMoveString += pseudoLegalMoves[i + 1];
individualMoveString += pseudoLegalMoves[i + 2];
individualMoveString += pseudoLegalMoves[i + 3];
Board tNode = moves.makeMoveAll(node, individualMoveString);
if ((moves.unsafeForWhite(tNode) & tNode.getWK()) == 0)
std::pair<string, int> ab;
if (firstMove == "")
ab = minimax(tNode, depth - 1, alpha, beta, individualMoveString, individualMoveString, breakOffTime);
ab = minimax(tNode, depth - 1, alpha, beta, individualMoveString, firstMove, breakOffTime);
int val = ab.second;
string move = ab.first;
if (val > bestValue || (val == bestValue && bestMove == ""))
bestValue = val;
bestMove = move;
alpha = max(alpha, bestValue);
if (alpha >= beta)
return std::make_pair(bestMove, bestValue);
string bestMove = firstMove;
int bestValue = INT_MAX;
string pseudoLegalMoves = moves.pseudoLegalMovesB(node);
if (pseudoLegalMoves.length() == 0)
return std::make_pair(firstMove, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < pseudoLegalMoves.length(); i += 4)
string individualMoveString;
individualMoveString += pseudoLegalMoves[i];
individualMoveString += pseudoLegalMoves[i + 1];
individualMoveString += pseudoLegalMoves[i + 2];
individualMoveString += pseudoLegalMoves[i + 3];
Board tNode = moves.makeMoveAll(node, individualMoveString);
if ((moves.unsafeForBlack(tNode) & tNode.getBK()) == 0)
std::pair<string, int> ab;
if (firstMove == "")
ab = minimax(tNode, depth - 1, alpha, beta, individualMoveString, individualMoveString, breakOffTime);
ab = minimax(tNode, depth - 1, alpha, beta, individualMoveString, firstMove, breakOffTime);
int val = ab.second;
string move = ab.first;
if (val < bestValue || (val == bestValue && bestMove == ""))
bestValue = ab.second;
bestMove = ab.first;
beta = min(beta, bestValue);
if (alpha >= beta)
return std::make_pair(bestMove, bestValue);
另外,如果有人有兴趣检查它,这是我的完整项目:https ://github.com/ChopinDavid/Maestro-cpp
我不是 C++ 开发人员,所以它可能很糟糕。