当我尝试构建 iOS 版本时,我收到了很多错误。我当前的 TestFairy 版本是 2.0.0。颤振版本 1.22.2。飞镖版本 2.10.2。
Xcode's output:
../../../../../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/testfairy-2.0.0/lib/testfairy.dart:201:23: Error: This requires the null safety language feature, which is experimental.
You can enable the experiment using the '--enable-experiment=non-nullable' command line option.
static Future<String?> getSessionUrl() async {
../../../../../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/testfairy-2.0.0/lib/testfairy.dart:416:13: Error: This requires the null safety language feature, which is experimental.
You can enable the experiment using the '--enable-experiment=non-nullable' command line option.
String? errorMessage) async {
../../../../../.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/testfairy-2.0.0/lib/testfairy.dart:442:14: Error: This requires the null safety language feature, which is experimental.
You can enable the experiment using the '--enable-experiment=non-nullable' command line option.
{String? defaultText,