我正在尝试按照本文档访问 RPyC 调用上的公共属性,但没有看到它像文档中提到的那样工作。
文档说,如果您不指定protocol_config={'allow_public_attrs': True,}
RPyC 服务器代码。
import pickle
import rpyc
class MyService(rpyc.Service):
def on_connect(self, conn):
# code that runs when a connection is created
# (to init the service, if needed)
def on_disconnect(self, conn):
# code that runs after the connection has already closed
# (to finalize the service, if needed)
def exposed_get_answer(self): # this is an exposed method
return 42
exposed_the_real_answer_though = 43 # an exposed attribute
def get_question(self): # while this method is not exposed
return "what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
def exposed_hello(self, collection):
print ("Collection is ", collection)
print ("Collection type is ", type(collection).__name__)
for item in collection:
print ("Item type is ", type(item).__name__)
def exposed_hello2(self, collection):
for item in collection:
for key, val in item.items():
print (key, val)
def exposed_hello_json(self, collection):
for item in collection:
item = json.loads(item)
for key, val in item.items():
print (key, val)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from rpyc.utils.server import ThreadedServer
t = ThreadedServer(
protocol_config={'allow_public_attrs': True,}
>>> import rpyc
>>> rpyc.__version__
(4, 0, 2)
>>> c = rpyc.connect('a.b.c.d', 3655) ; client=c.root
# Case 1 如果数据是嵌套结构(使用内置数据类型),它不起作用。
>>> data
[{'a': [1, 2], 'b': 'asa'}]
>>> client.hello2(data)
AttributeError: cannot access 'items'
========= Remote Traceback (2) =========
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/lydian.egg/rpyc/core/protocol.py", line 329, in _dispatch_request
res = self._HANDLERS[handler](self, *args)
File "/root/lydian.egg/rpyc/core/protocol.py", line 590, in _handle_call
return obj(*args, **dict(kwargs))
File "sample.py", line 33, in exposed_hello2
for key, val in item.items():
File "/root/lydian.egg/rpyc/core/netref.py", line 159, in __getattr__
return syncreq(self, consts.HANDLE_GETATTR, name)
File "/root/lydian.egg/rpyc/core/netref.py", line 75, in syncreq
return conn.sync_request(handler, proxy, *args)
File "/root/lydian.egg/rpyc/core/protocol.py", line 471, in sync_request
return self.async_request(handler, *args, timeout=timeout).value
File "/root/lydian.egg/rpyc/core/async_.py", line 97, in value
raise self._obj
_get_exception_class.<locals>.Derived: cannot access 'items'
>>> jdata = [json.dumps({'a': [1,2], 'b':"asa"})].
>>> client.hello_json(jdata) # Prints following at remote endpoint.
a [1, 2]
b asa
案例 3:有趣的是,在第一级内置项目是可以访问的,就像 hello 方法一样。但是在嵌套数据上调用它会出错。
>>> client.hello([1,2,3,4]) # Prints following at remote endpoint.
Collection is [1, 2, 3, 4]
Collection type is list
Item type is int
Item type is int
Item type is int
Item type is int
我有问题的解决方法/解决方案(上面的案例 2),但正在寻找关于为什么不允许这样做或者它是否是错误的解释。感谢您的投入。