

const db = require('quick.db');
const Discord = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {

  name: "fight",

  description: "fight someone",

  async run(client, message, args) {
    let target = message.mentions.users.first();
    if (!target) return message.channel.send('please provide a person to fight');
    let user = message.author;
    let theitemsofuser = await db.fetch(message.author.id, {
      items: []
    if (target === user) return message.channel.send('You can\'t fight yourself!')

    if (db.has(user.id + !'.items.hamster')) return message.channel.send('you need a pet to fight');
    if (db.has(user.id + !'.items.dog')) return message.channel.send('you need a pet to fight');
    if (db.has(user.id + !'.items.cat')) return message.channel.send('you need a pet to fight');

    if (db.has(target.id + !'.items.hamster')) return message.channel.send('your opponent needs a pet to fight');
    if (db.has(target.id + !'.items.dog')) return message.channel.send('your opponent needs a pet to fight');
    if (db.has(target.id + !'.items.cat')) return message.channel.send('your opponent needs a pet to fight');

    message.channel.send('your all good!')


3 回答 3


你的字符串连接是错误的。target.id 之后的字符串之前不应有感叹号。



'test' + !'string'
// >> 'testfalse'


'test' + 'string'
// >> 'teststring'

如果您只是删除它应该可以工作!来自 db.has

于 2020-10-16T14:20:08.093 回答


async run(client, message, args) {
  const match = { 
    userPet : "",
    targetPet : ""

  ["hamster","dog","cat"].forEach(pet => {
    if (db.has(user.id.items[pet])) match.userPet = pet
    if (db.has(target.id.items[pet])) match.targetPet = pet 
  if (!match.userPet) { message.channel.send('You need a pet to fight'); return }
  if (!match.targetPet) {message.channel.send('Your opponent needs a pet to fight'); return; }

  message.channel.send('your all good!')
于 2020-10-16T14:29:12.553 回答


const Discord = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {


description:"fight someone",

async run (client, message, args){
let target = message.mentions.users.first();
if(!target)return message.channel.send('please provide a person to fight');
let user = message.author;
let theitemsofuser = await db.fetch(message.author.id, { items: []});
 if(target === user) return message.channel.send('You can\'t fight yourself!')

if(!db.has(user.id + '.items', 'hamster'))return message.channel.send('you need a pet to fight');
if(!db.has(user.id + '.items', 'dog'))return message.channel.send('you need a pet to fight');
if(!db.has(user.id + '.items', 'cat'))return message.channel.send('you need a pet to fight');

if(!db.has(target.id + '.items', 'hamster'))return message.channel.send('your opponent needs a pet to fight');
if(!db.has(target.id + '.items', 'dog'))return message.channel.send('your opponent needs a pet to fight');
if(!db.has(target.id + '.items', 'cat'))return message.channel.send('your opponent needs a pet to fight');

message.channel.send('your all good!')
Fixes: I used !db.has(user.id + '.items', 'dog') return message.channel.send('you dont have a dog at the moment') Instead of db.has(user.id + '.items', 'dog') return message.channel.send('you dont have a dog at the moment')
于 2020-10-16T21:13:00.217 回答