我正在创建一个在 java swing 中实现 boids 的程序。为了避免 boid 立即捕捉到它们想要的位置,我将角速度和加速度限制在静态Constants类中定义的值。public static final double maxTurningSpeed = 1d; // radians per second ,public static final double maxAngularAcceleration = 1d; // radians per second squared


问题是,当我使用这段代码时,一些小动物会有非常不寻常的行为,比如旋转而不是被吸引到goalAngle而不是遵循平滑的路径。当 时goalAngle == angle,boids 似乎随机开始和停止旋转,直到它们获得一个新目标,此时大多数都处于无限循环中。

    public void alterCourse(double timePassed) {
        // if the distance (rad) to the goal Angle > max turning speed, angle += turningspeed, else ange = goal angle
        double newAngularVelocity =  Math.abs(goalAngle-angle);
        if (Math.abs(newAngularVelocity-angularVelocity) > Constants.maxAngularAcceleration) {
            // if Planned acceleration > the max acceleration
            this.angle += (angularVelocity+Constants.maxAngularAcceleration)
                    * (goalAngle-angle < 0 ? 1 : -1); // negative if  the difference between the angle > 0
            this.angle %= (2 * Math.PI);
        if (newAngularVelocity > Constants.maxTurningSpeed*timePassed) {
            this.angle = this.goalAngle % (2 * Math.PI);
        } else if ((angle+goalAngle) % (Math.PI*2) > Math.PI) { // Left/Right turn
            this.angle += Constants.maxTurningSpeed*timePassed;
        } else {
            this.angle -= Constants.maxTurningSpeed*timePassed;

        angularVelocity = newAngularVelocity;



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