I've read some posts about function pointers but I still don't understand how to use 'function pointers' the best for my case. Also in this case It isn't clear to me the use of anonymous classes...
Here the code:
class Fitness {
private List < Double > list;
interface Foo {
//public Foo;
Object myFunc(Object arg);
Object myFunc2(Object arg);
public Fitness(List < Double > list) {
this.list = new ArrayList < Double > (list);
public void bar(Foo foo) {
Object object = foo.myFunc(list);
Object object2 = foo.myFunc2(list);
public void method(String func) {
if (func.equals("f1"))
new Foo() {
public Object myFunc(Object arg) {
return (Double)((List) arg).get(0) + 50.0;
public Object myFunc2(Object arg) {
return (Double)((List) arg).get(0) + 50.0;
else if (func.equals("f2"))
new Foo() {
public Object myFunc(Object arg) {
List < Double > l = (List < Double > ) arg;
return l.get(0) / l.size();
public Object myFunc2(Object arg) {
List < Double > l = (List < Double > ) arg;
return l.get(0) / l.size();
public void fitness1() {
new Foo() {
public Object myFunc(Object arg) {
return (Double)((List) arg).get(0) + 50.0 * 1000;
public Object myFunc2(Object arg) {
return (Double)((List) arg).get(0) + 50.0;
class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList < Double > listD = new ArrayList < Double > ();
Fitness t = new Fitness(listD);
What I would like is an object Fitness that call a fitness function according to some parameters. A fitness method should be able to take a list of int, double, even couple <int, String>.
I want to do a test: so I want to see the different results if I choose f1, f2, f3, f4. I am confused about how to code it.
Thanks in advance