

有错误的示例 URL: https ://www.live-karikaturen.ch/downloads/1-august-fahnen-schwingen-nationalfeiertag-schweiz/ https://www.live-karikaturen.ch/webshop-gratisbilder-free-cartoon -comic-images/ https://www.live-karikaturen.ch/downloads/auto-suv-autofan-abgase-umweltverschmutzung/

更新不兼容:我从一个非常旧的 PHP 版本更新到 7.4

我使用这个非常重要的插件,它已经过时了(最近更新 4 年): https ://wordpress.org/support/plugin/creative-commons-configurator-1/

现在我收到这个错误,我认为它可能很容易解决,但我对 PHP 几乎一无所知,但我尝试学习一下,所以提前非常感谢你。

错误: *

警告:preg_match_all():编译失败:转义序列在 /home/clients/f9abb707fe4ac1215fe0f0a9c0b0ae21/www.live-karikaturen-ch/wp-content/plugins/creative-commons-configurator-1/creative 中偏移 18 处的字符类中无效-commons-configurator-1.php 在第 821 行

我在这里从 .php 文件中复制代码

代码:这是第 821 行:

if ( ! preg_match_all( $pattern_images_no_caption, $post_content, $matches ) ) {
return $post_content;


代码从第 803 - 828 行(不知道复制行号的人):

function bccl_separate_licensing_on_images_without_caption( $post_content ) {

    // Plugin options
    $options = get_option('cc_settings');
    if ( $options === false || $options['cc_enable_individual_media_licensing'] == '0' ) {
        return $post_content;

    $post = get_queried_object();

    if ( apply_filters('bccl_exclude_license', false, $post) ) {
        return $post_content;

    // Pattern that matches images without caption
    //$pattern_images_no_caption = '#<p>[\s\R]*(<img [^>]+>)#';
    $pattern_images_no_caption = '#<(?:p|h[\d]+)>[\s\R]*(<img [^>]+>)#';
    $pattern_images_no_caption = apply_filters('bccl_pattern_match_images_without_caption' , $pattern_images_no_caption);
    **if ( ! preg_match_all( $pattern_images_no_caption, $post_content, $matches ) ) {
        return $post_content;

    // Iterate over the found images and add licensing metadata

    foreach ( $matches[1] as $image_html ) {




1 回答 1


非常感谢你,你太棒了!:) 我试过了,它可以工作,至少没有错误了。

首先 ,我只是不确定我应该采用哪个版本的更正代码。我猜Nr。1 没问题,没有 []。这意味着,正如上面 Toto 所写,我将 [\s\R] 替换为简单的 \s。


//$pattern_images_no_caption = '#

\s*(<img [^>]+>)#'; $pattern_images_no_caption = '#<(?:p|h[\d]+)>\s*(<img [^>]+>)#';

编号。2.) 带有 []

//$pattern_images_no_caption = '#<p>[\s]*(<img [^>]+>)#';
    $pattern_images_no_caption = '#<(?:p|h[\d]+)>[\s]*(<img [^>]+>)#';

第二 ,我在整个 creative-commons-configurator.php 插件代码中搜索了 \R 并在第 979 行进一步发现:

    $parts = preg_split('#\R#u', $attach`enter code here`ment_data);


// Attachment ID
    // Unfortunately, WP does not provide enough information in order to determine the attachment ID
    // So, first collect all the audio/video media file URLs in $attachments_urls
    $attachments_data = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'enclosure', false );
    $attachments_urls = array();
    foreach ( $attachments_data as $attachment_data ) {
        $parts = preg_split('#\R#u', $attachment_data);
        $attachments_urls[] = $parts[0];
    // Then check which media file URL exists in the $atts array so as to
    // determine which attachment we are processing currently.
    $atts_values = array_values($atts);
    // Find the URL of the attachment we are processing
    $current_attachment_url = '';
    foreach ( $attachments_urls as $attachment_url) {
        if ( in_array($attachment_url, $atts_values) ) {
            $current_attachment_url = $attachment_url;


于 2020-10-11T14:06:26.913 回答