I need to use FreeRDP to connect overseas to a windows desktop located in Canada (I live in Belgium). Now, I also need to connect through an OpenVPN connection first before using RDP.

Issue I'm having is that I have a lag when moving around on the remote desktop. As a developper, it makes it quite frustrating to do my work.

Here's a video link demo'ing this lag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpO26YUF2qg

This is the command I use to connect :

xfreerdp /u:username /v:192.168.x.x /bpp:8 -grab-keyboard -wallpaper```

I tried various bpp settings and it doesn't seem to change much.

Is there a way I could tweak the RDP connection even more ? I need this just to code in IDEs, manage databases, etc. I do not need super high-quality graphics or anything (I won't be playing videos from here ;)). I think 256 colors should be fine, but wondering if they are other compression settings I could use?

While I'll have done everything I can with the RDP, my lan admin is also looking into tweaking the VPN connection...

Thanks a million for your time. Pat


1 回答 1


您可以尝试使用 freerdp 的 h264 模式(推荐/需要 2.0 版)。一般来说,h264 将使用较少的数据来传输图像,但这很大程度上取决于你在做什么,YMMV。值得一试,选项是:


/gfx-h264:AVC444 最适合我。还有几个额外的 gfx-* 配置选项,您可以使用它们进行测试。

于 2020-11-02T23:35:01.093 回答