我有一个属于 UI 库的组件,我们称之为 Input 组件。当使用这个库调用 Input 时,我可以调用的类型很多。例如
<Input />
<Input.TextArea />
<Input.Search />
现在我想为这个 Input 组件写一个包装器,所以我这样写
type InputWrapperComponent = FC<InputProps> & {
Search: typeof Input.Search;
TextArea: typeof Input.TextArea;
const InputWrapper: InputWrapperComponent = (props) => {
// make some minor changes here
InputWrapper.Search = Input.Search;
InputWrapper.TextArea = Input.TextArea;
export default InputWrapper;
export { default as InputWrapper } from './input';
<InputWrapper />. --> Works
<InputWrapper.TextArea />. --> Works
<InputWrapper.Search />. --> Works
但是通过这样做,我不能使用原始 UI 库的refinputRef.current.focus()
type InputWrapperComponent = ForwardRefRenderFunction<HTMLInputElement, InputProps> & {
Search: typeof Input.Search;
TextArea: typeof Input.TextArea;
const InputWrapper: InputWrapperComponent = (props, ref) => {
// make some minor changes here and add the ref to the input
InputWrapper.Search = Input.Search;
InputWrapper.TextArea = Input.TextArea;
export default forwardRef(InputWrapper);
通过更改为这个,我可以将 ref 传递给原始 UI 库并可以使用其原始方法。但是,我现在的问题是当我更改为forwardRef和ForwardRefRenderFunction 时,我不能再调用TextArea和Search
<InputWrapper />. --> Works
<InputWrapper.TextArea />. --> Error
<InputWrapper.Search />. --> Error
Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.