我正在使用流畅的 UI 反应命令栏。我正在使用 SCSS 主题化模式来主题元素。主题适用于顶级命令栏类名称,但某些主题化块似乎完全被跳过。


.chartCommandIcon {
        fill: red;
        @include themify{
            fill: themed('color-theme-accent');

这是另一个例子。Themify 块适用于顶级 commandItem 样式,但不适用于 dropdownMenu(流畅的 UI 子菜单)。然而,.dropdownMenu选择器确实有效。background-color: red如果我在主题块之外设置下拉菜单,则颜色会更新。

    @include themify{
        color: themed('color-text-rest'); // works here (top level?)
    background-color: red; // works here
    @include themify{
        background-color: themed('color-bg-panel-contextual'); // not here

任何可能发生这种情况的想法都会非常有帮助!谢谢 : )

这是从外部包中获取的themify SCSS mixin 代码。

/// Creates theme variations
/// @param {Map} $themes - Theme map to loop through. Optional.
@mixin themify($themes: $themes) {
    // for each theme, get its name and color variable map:
    @each $theme, $colors in $themes {
        // re-export the color map under the global scope so the
        // `themed` function below can access it inside the content:
        $theme-map: $colors !global;

        :global(.#{$default-prefix}-#{$theme}) & {

        // reset the theme-map global variable:
        $theme-map: null !global;

/// Gets a value from the color map.
/// @param {String} $key - Name of the color variable
/// @param {Map} $theme-map - Theme map to use. Optional.
/// @returns {String} The color for the given key
@function themed($key, $theme-map: $theme-map) {
    $value: map-get($theme-map, $key);

    @if not $value {
        @error 'There is no `#{$key}` in your theme colors.';

    @return $value;

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