I want to insert an element in the XML.
This is an XML file - named web.xml


This is the ANT task I am using to insert an element in the web-app node.

<taskdef name="xmltask" classname="com.oopsconsultancy.xmltask.ant.XmlTask" classpath="C:/xmltask.jar"/>    
<xmltask source="C:\web.xml" dest="C:\web.xml>              
     <insert path="/web-app">
            <hello_world id="3">hello world</hello_world>

Ant 任务运行在web-app中插入hello_world节点。

The insert (actually root node selection) fails when the root has an attribute.
So the xmltask insert doesn't work when the XML is -

<web-app xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee">

I tried to use insert like this, but no luck -
<insert path="/web-app/[@xmlns='http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee']">



1 回答 1


xmlns=当 Xml 使用声明的命名空间(不仅仅是一个属性)时,这很可能是 XmlTask​​/xpath 的问题。请参阅其他答案:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/35778167/366749 我建议您尝试:

<taskdef name="xmltask" classname="com.oopsconsultancy.xmltask.ant.XmlTask" classpath="C:/xmltask.jar"/>    
<xmltask source="C:\web.xml" dest="C:\web.xml>              
     <insert path="*[local-name()='web-app']">
            <hello_world id="3">hello world</hello_world>
于 2020-10-02T17:24:03.017 回答