我目前正在使用 aws-cdk,我的任务是为 15 条左右我们想要观看和接收通知的规则创建配置规则。这是我的参考代码:

 const vpcFlowLoggingBucket = new s3.Bucket(this,'vpcFlowLoggingBucket', {
            const generalConfigRole = new iam.Role(this,  'generalConfigRole',{
              assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('config.amazonaws.com')

            const cloudTrailEnabledRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'cloudTrailEnabledRule', {
              identifier: 'CLOUD_TRAIL_ENABLED'
            const  iamPasswordPolicyRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'iamPasswordPolicyRule',{
              identifier: 'IAM_PASSWORD_POLICY'
            const userGroupMembershipRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'userGroupMembershipRule',{
              identifier: 'IAM_USER_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_CHECK'

            const userPolicyRule = new ManagedRule(this,'userPolicyRule',{
              identifier: 'IAM_USER_NO_POLICIES_CHECK'
            const rootAccountMfaEnabledRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'rootAccountMfaEnabledRule',{
              identifier: 'ROOT_ACCOUNT_MFA_ENABLED'
            const accessKeysRotatedRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'accessKeysRotatedRule',{
              inputParameters: {
                maxAccessKeyAge: 100, //rule triggers off of config change and keys must be rotated within 100 days
                configurationChanges: true

              //TODO reference your custom lambda for this
              //Parameters need to be specified here for the amount of days to rotate
            const cloudTrailEncryptionRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'cloudTrailEncryptionRule' ,{
            const defaultSecurityGroupEniRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'defaultSecurityGroupEniRule',{

            const ebsVolumeEncryption = new ManagedRule(this, 'ebsVolumeEncryption',{
            const rdsStorageEncryptionRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'rdsStorageEncryptionRule',{
              identifier: 'RDS_STORAGE_ENCRYPTED'
              //This may need the arn of the kms key used for encryption

            const s3BucketLoggingEnabledRule = new ManagedRule(this, 's3BucketLoggingEnabledRule',{
              identifier: 'S3_BUCKET_LOGGING_ENABLED'
              //@aroesec may be able to use a custom rule here for this one and my lambda
            // TODO add custom lambda to this for future purposes
            const s3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule = new ManagedRule(this, 's3BucketServerSideEncryptionRule',{
              //@aroesec may be able to use a custom rule here for my lambda
            // TODO add custom lambda to this for future purposes

            const vpcFlowLogsEnabledRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'vpcFlowLogsEnabledRule',{
              inputParameters: {
                trafficType:'ALL', //vpcs must track all traffic (ALLOW and DENY) with this rule
                configurationChanges: true

            const vpcDefaultSecurityGroupRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'vpcDefaultSecurityGroupRule',{

            const mfaEnabledForConsoleAccessRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'mfaEnabledForConsoleAccessRule',{
              identifier: 'MFA_ENABLED_FOR_IAM_CONSOLE_ACCESS'

            const rdsMultiAvailZoneRule = new ManagedRule(this, 'rdsMultiAvailZoneRule',{


我的问题是,当我尝试使用 configurationChanges 参数并将其设置为 True 时。我正在寻找该配置规则以在它注意到那里的更改时扫描该资源组。我想这样做而不使用“频率”参数的原因是我们的客户不希望扫描像 24 小时那样频繁。他们希望他们对每条规则进行大约 2 周的扫描。我的问题是,1. 我可以让配置规则的扫描频率低于 24 小时吗?例如,也许每周?2.我可以让一个lambda触发配置规则来扫描吗?例如,对 vpc 流日志进行 lambda 检查,如果它们不存在,则触发配置规则以返回“不合规”。或 3。我可以为每个配置规则将 configurationChange 设置为 true 并让 aws 从那里处理它吗?我问这个具体问题是因为我已经阅读了一些关于配置记录器的内容,但不确定如何使用它,或者是否有必要。谢谢大家!


1 回答 1

  1. config rule 扫描的最低频率是 24 小时,如果检查 boto3 API,则不会慢于该频率。

  2. 您会想要相反的情况,定期运行配置规则或在配置更改时运行。

  3. AWS 不知道要处理什么。如果您进行配置更改,您的 API 或您的代码(通过 lambda)需要知道要检查什么(即存储桶对公众开放),然后当检测到公共存储桶时,lambda 将捕获它并报告(PutEvaluationAP

于 2021-01-12T22:44:25.517 回答