我正在尝试创建站点地图的页脚导航,其中包含相互嵌套的级别。我想使用砖石,因此填充和边距是一致的,并且不会根据嵌套项目而改变。它的烧制砌体,但如果我将砌体调用更改为仅选择第一个() ul 然后嵌套的 li 出现在一行上,它会将相对样式添加到嵌套的 ul 中。
<div id="links">
<ul >
<li class="box"><a href="/Industries.aspx" >Industries</a></li>
<li class="box"><a href="/Services.aspx" >Services</a></li>
<li class="box"><a href="/Quality---Regulatory.aspx" >Quality & Regulatory</a></li>
<li class="box"><a href="/About.aspx" >About</a>
<ul >
<li class="box"><a href="/About/Our-Story.aspx" >Our Story</a></li>
<li class="box"><a href="/About/Our-Mission.aspx" >Our Mission</a></li>
<li class="box"><a href="/About/Our-Core-Values.aspx" >Our Core Values</a></li>
<li class="box"><a href="/News.aspx" >News</a>
<ul >
<li class="box"><a href="/News/Events.aspx" >Events</a></li>
<li class="box"><a href="/Careers.aspx" >Careers</a></li>
<li class="box"><a href="/Contact.aspx" >Contact</a></li>
<li class="box"><a href="/tests.aspx" >tests</a></li></ul>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#links ul').masonry({
singleMode: true,
// Disables measuring the width of each floated element.
// Set to true if floated elements have the same width.
// default: false
columnWidth: 182,
// Width in pixels of 1 column of your grid.
// default: outer width of the first floated element.
itemSelector: '.box:visible',
// Additional selector to specify which elements inside
// the wrapping element will be rearranged.
// Required for Infinite Scroll with window resizing.
resizeable: true,
// Binds a Masonry call to window resizes
// so layout appears fluid.
// default: true
animate: false,
// Animates layout rearrangements.
// default: false
saveOptions: true
// Masonry will use the options from previous Masonry
// calls by default, so you only have to enter in options once
// default: true