实例,其中 T 是我的超类的泛型。这将在下面的代码中用于ChildA
* empty class
private static class Foo{}
* non generic class that extends from a generic class
private static class ChildA extends GenericClass<Foo>{}
* generic class that extends from a generic class
private static class ClassChildB<T> extends GenericClass<T>{}
private abstract static class GenericClass<T> {
public GenericClass() {
Type type = getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
* When constructed from ChildA:
* type = generics.Main$GenericClass<generics.Main$Foo>
* with other worlds the generic type
* But when constructed from GenericChildB:
* the generic type is just:
* type = generics.Main$GenericClass<T>
* and it throws an error when trying to cast his to an ParameterizedType
* because <T> is not an acctual class.
Class<T> classInstance = (Class<T>) ((ParameterizedType)type).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
//Goal is to get an Class<T> object inside of the constructor of GenericClass
public static void main(String[] args) {
//works :
GenericClass<Foo> genericClassA = new ChildA();
//does not work:
GenericClass<Foo> genericClassB = new GenericChildB<Foo>();