我正在尝试用字符串填充列 C 考虑是否行上的消费者符合条件之一:
如果消费者满足这些规则之一,则该值应设置为考虑: • 消费者只有 1 笔交易——(已完成) • 消费者有 2 - 4 笔交易,但总交易量 < 10,000 美元 ---(已完成) •消费者级别(基于以下规则)为 2 级或 3 级 ---(此信息位于 CV 和 CW 列上) •如果下拉列表为 60 天且最大交易日期早于 30 天 • 如果下拉列表为 1 年且最长交易日期超过 90 天 • 如果下拉列表为 5 年且最大交易日期超过 180 天
'Interdction Review Tab, column C
Sheets("Interdiction Review").Columns(3).Font.Bold = True
Sheets("Interdiction Review").Columns(3).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
'Consumer has only 1 Transaction, the value on Interdiction Review Tab on Column C will be Consider
Dim wsStart As Worksheet, lastRow1 As Long, wsFinal As Worksheet
Dim dict As Object, rw As Range, v, v2, k, m, lin
Dim wsSSart As Worksheet
Dim dateDifference As Long
Dim SStartSelection As String
Dim isConsider As Boolean
Dim valid_col(1) As Integer
Dim lvl As Boolean
Set wsSSart = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("SStart")
Set wsStart = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Start")
Set wsFinal = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Interdiction Review")
lastRow1 = wsStart.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
SStartSelection = wsSSart.Cells(7, "A").Value
lvl = False
For Each rw In wsStart.Range("A2:AJ" & lastRow1).Rows
v = rw.Cells(8).Value
v2 = rw.Cells(36).Value
If Len(v) = 0 Or Len(v2) = 0 Then
v = rw.Cells(7).Value
v2 = rw.Cells(35).Value
End If
dict(v) = dict(v) + 1
dict(v2) = dict(v2) + 1
Next rw
For Each k In dict
isConsider = False
m = Application.Match(k, wsFinal.Columns(1), 0)
wsFinal.Cells(m, 7).FormulaArray = wsFinal.Cells(m, 7).Formula
dateDifference = DateDiff("D", wsFinal.Cells(m, 7).Value, Date)
If dict(k) = 1 Then
isConsider = True
ElseIf dict(k) >= 2 And dict(k) <= 4 And wsFinal.Cells(m, 6).Value <= 10000 Then
isConsider = True
End If
If StrComp(SStartSelection, "60 Days") = 0 And dateDifference > 30 Then
isConsider = True
ElseIf StrComp(SStartSelection, "1 Year") = 0 And dateDifference > 90 Then
isConsider = True
ElseIf StrComp(SStartSelection, "5 Years") = 0 And dateDifference > 180 Then
isConsider = True
End If
'Client number
If wsStart.Cells(2, 8) <> "" Then
valid_col(0) = 8
valid_col(1) = 36
valid_col(0) = 7
valid_col(1) = 35
End If
'Level verification
For lin = 2 To lastRow1
If wsStart.Cells(lin, valid_col(0)) = k Then
If wsStart.Cells(lin, 100).Value = "Level 2" Or wsStart.Cells(lin, 100).Value = "Level 3" Then
lvl = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If wsStart.Cells(lin, valid_col(1)) = k Then
If wsStart.Cells(lin, 101).Value = "Level 2" Or wsStart.Cells(lin, 101).Value = "Level 3" Then
lvl = True
Exit For
End If
End If
Next lin
If isConsider And lvl Then
If Not IsError(m) Then wsFinal.Cells(m, 3).Value = "Consider"
End If
Next k
End Sub
似乎我的代码在错误的列中查找客户级别。例如:客户编号 3 位于 H 列,因此代码需要检查列 CV 以查看级别 客户编号 3 也位于列 AJ 代码需要检查列 CW 以查看级别。如果客户端位于两列上,并且 cod 需要检查两列以查找信息。
CV 列的级别是客户编号位于 H 列或/和 G 列时 CW 列的级别是客户位于 AJ 列或/和 AI 列时