我试图用来org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFNumbering.getIdOfAbstractNum(XWPFAbstractNum abstractNum)测试给定的 abstractNum 是否存在。这个电话最终在:

CTAbstractNumImpl(XmlComplexContentImpl).equal_to(XmlObject) line: 79   
CTAbstractNumImpl(XmlObjectBase).valueEqualsImpl(XmlObject) line: 2393  
CTAbstractNumImpl(XmlObjectBase).valueEquals(XmlObject) line: 2434  
XWPFNumbering.getIdOfAbstractNum(XWPFAbstractNum) line: 222 

不幸的是,org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl.equal_to(XmlObject)没有正确实现并且总是返回 true:

public boolean equal_to(XmlObject complexObject)
    if (!_schemaType.equals(complexObject.schemaType()))
        return false;

    // BUGBUG: by-value structure comparison undone
    return true;

是否有替代方法可以深入比较此类 xml 对象,或者找出抽象编号是否存在?


1 回答 1


幸运的是,这里有一篇旧帖子,附有解决方案:http: //mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/xml-xmlbeans-user/200310.mbox/%3cOF7B942026.9900E6EE-ONCA256DC8.00064356@tmca。 com.au%3e

这是稍微修改的内容,它允许通过调用方法来比较两个 xml 对象lenientlyCompareTwoXmlStrings(XmlObject, XmlObject)

package bookmarks;

import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.QNameHelper;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlWhitespace;

* This originates from an author called Dmitri.Coleba, see attached source here:
* http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/xml-xmlbeans-user/200310.mbox/%3cOF7B942026.9900E6EE-ONCA256DC8.00064356@tmca.com.au%3e
* <p>
* Deep comparison of two xml objects.
* @author Markus Pscheidt
public class XBeanCompare {

    public static class Diagnostic {
        private StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();

        void add(String s) {

        public String toString() {
            return message.toString();

    * Provides a utility to compare the xml inside the two strings.
    * @return true if the xml inside the two strings is the same
    public static boolean lenientlyCompareTwoXmlStrings(XmlObject actualObj, XmlObject expectObj, Diagnostic diag) {
        boolean match = true;

        XmlCursor cur1 = actualObj.newCursor();
        XmlCursor cur2 = expectObj.newCursor();


        while (cur1.currentTokenType() != XmlCursor.TokenType.STARTDOC) {
            if (!compareNamesAndAttributes(cur1, cur2, diag)) {
                match = false;

            boolean hasChildren1 = cur1.toFirstChild();
            boolean hasChildren2 = cur2.toFirstChild();
            if (hasChildren1 != hasChildren2) {
                diag.add("Topology differs: one document has " + "children where the other does not ("
                        + QNameHelper.pretty(cur1.getName()) + ", " + QNameHelper.pretty(cur2.getName()) + ")."); // TODO:
                                                                                                                    // where?
                match = false;
                if (hasChildren1) {
                    hasChildren1 = false;
                if (hasChildren2) {
                    hasChildren2 = false;
            } else if (hasChildren1 == false) {
                if (!wsCollapseEqual(cur1.getTextValue(), cur2.getTextValue())) {
                    diag.add("Value '" + cur1.getTextValue() + "' differs from value '" + cur2.getTextValue() + "'.");
                    match = false;

            if (hasChildren1)

            for (;;) {
                boolean hasSibling1 = cur1.toNextSibling();
                boolean hasSibling2 = cur2.toNextSibling();

                if (hasSibling1 != hasSibling2) {
                    diag.add("Topology differs: one document has " + "siblings where the other does not."); // TODO:
                                                                                                            // where?
                    hasSibling1 = false;
                    hasSibling2 = false;

                if (hasSibling1)


                if (cur1.currentTokenType() == XmlCursor.TokenType.STARTDOC)
        return match;

    private static boolean compareNamesAndAttributes(XmlCursor cur1, XmlCursor cur2, Diagnostic diag) {
        if (!cur1.getName().equals(cur2.getName())) {
            diag.add("Element names '" + QNameHelper.pretty(cur1.getName()) + "' and '"
                    + QNameHelper.pretty(cur2.getName()) + "' do not match.");
            return false;

        String elemName = QNameHelper.pretty(cur1.getName());

        boolean more = cur1.toFirstAttribute();
        if (more) {
            for (; more; more = cur1.toNextAttribute()) {
                String text1 = cur1.getTextValue();
                String text2 = cur2.getAttributeText(cur1.getName());
                if (text2 == null) {
                    diag.add("Attribute '" + QNameHelper.pretty(cur1.getName()) + "' " + " of element '" + elemName
                            + "' not present.");
                    return false;

                if (!wsCollapseEqual(text1, text2)) {
                    diag.add("Attribute values for '" + QNameHelper.pretty(cur1.getName()) + "' " + " of element '"
                            + elemName + "' don't match.");
                    return false;

        more = cur2.toFirstAttribute();
        if (more) {
            for (; more; more = cur2.toNextAttribute()) {
                String text1 = cur1.getAttributeText(cur2.getName());
                if (text1 == null) {
                    diag.add("Attribute '" + QNameHelper.pretty(cur2.getName()) + "' " + " of element '" + elemName
                            + "' not present.");
                    return false;

        return true;

    private static boolean wsCollapseEqual(String s1, String s2) {
        String s1c = XmlWhitespace.collapse(s1);
        String s2c = XmlWhitespace.collapse(s2);
        return (s1c.equals(s2c));

于 2020-09-25T21:21:54.173 回答