也接受代码对象(例如可以从 获取compile()
import os
import sys
from typing import List
module = os.__class__
def create_module(name: str, file: str) -> module:
mod = module(name)
# Instances of `module` automatically come with properties __doc__,
# __loader__, __name__, __package__ and __spec___. Let's add some
# more properties that main modules usually come with:
mod.__annotations__ = {}
# __builtins__ doesn't show up in dir() but still exists
mod.__builtins__ = __builtins__
mod.__file__ = file
return mod
def exec_script(path: str, working_dir: str, syspath: List[str] = None) -> module:
Execute a Python script as if it were executed using `$ python
<path>` from inside the given working directory. `path` can either
be an absolute path or a path relative to `working_dir`.
If `syspath` is provided, a copy of it will be used as `sys.path`
during execution. Otherwise, `sys.path` will be set to
`sys.path[1:]` which – assuming that `sys.path` has not been
modified so far – removes the working directory from the time when
the current Python program was started. Either way, the directory
containing the script at `path` will always be added at position 0
in `sys.path` afterwards, so as to simulate execution via `$ python
if os.path.isabs(path):
abs_path = path
abs_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(working_dir), path)
with open(abs_path, "r") as f:
source = f.read()
if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
# Prior to Python 3.9, the __file__ variable inside the main
# module always contained the path exactly as it was given to `$
# python`, no matter whether it is relative or absolute and/or a
# symlink.
the__file__ = path
# Starting from Python 3.9, __file__ inside the main module is
# always an absolute path.
the__file__ = abs_path
# The filename passed to compile() will be used in stack traces and
# error messages. It normally it agrees with __file__.
code = compile(source, filename=the__file__, mode="exec")
sysmodules_backup = sys.modules
sys.modules = sys.modules.copy()
the_module = create_module(name="__main__", file=the__file__)
sys.modules["__main__"] = the_module
# According to
# https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/modules.html#the-module-search-path
# if the script is a symlink, the symlink is followed before the
# directory containing the script is added to sys.path.
if os.path.islink(abs_path):
sys_path_dir = os.path.dirname(os.readlink(abs_path))
sys_path_dir = os.path.dirname(abs_path)
if syspath is None:
syspath = sys.path[1:]
syspath_backup = sys.path
sys.path = [
] + syspath # This will automatically create a copy of syspath
cwd_backup = os.getcwd()
# For code inside a module, global and local variables are given by
# the *same* dictionary
globals_ = the_module.__dict__
locals_ = the_module.__dict__
exec(code, globals_, locals_)
sys.modules = sysmodules_backup
sys.path = syspath_backup
return the_module
##### Tests #####
# Make sure to install pyfakefs via pip!
import unittest
import pyfakefs
class Test_exec_script(pyfakefs.fake_filesystem_unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
"import os",
"import sys",
"cwd = os.getcwd()",
"sysmodules = sys.modules",
"syspath = sys.path",
"sys.modules['test_module'] = 'bar'",
self.fs.create_symlink("/folder2/symlink.py", "/folder/script.py")
# __name__
def test__name__is_set_correctly(self):
module = exec_script("script.py", "/folder")
assert module.__name__ == "__main__"
# __file__
def test_relative_path_works_and__file__shows_it(self):
module = exec_script("script.py", "/folder")
assert module.__file__ == "script.py"
def test_absolute_path_works_and__file__shows_it(self):
module = exec_script("/folder/script.py", "/folder")
assert module.__file__ == "/folder/script.py"
def test__file__doesnt_follow_symlink(self):
module = exec_script("symlink.py", "/folder2")
assert module.__file__ == "symlink.py"
# working dir
def test_working_directory_is_set_and_reset_correctly(self):
module = exec_script("/folder/script.py", "/folder")
assert module.cwd == "/folder"
assert os.getcwd() == "/"
# sys.modules
def test__main__module_is_set_correctly(self):
module = exec_script("/folder/script.py", "/folder")
assert module.sysmodules["__main__"] == module
def test_script_cannot_modify_our_sys_modules(self):
sysmodules_backup = sys.modules.copy()
exec_script("/folder/script.py", "/folder")
assert sys.modules == sysmodules_backup
# sys.path
def test_script_cannot_modify_our_sys_path(self):
syspath_backup = sys.path.copy()
exec_script("/folder/script.py", "/folder")
assert sys.path == syspath_backup
def test_sys_path_is_set_up_correctly(self):
syspath_backup = sys.path[:]
module = exec_script("/folder/script.py", "/folder")
assert module.syspath[0] == "/folder"
assert module.syspath[1:] == syspath_backup[1:] + ["/some/path"]
def test_symlink_is_followed_before_adding_base_dir_to_sys_path(self):
module = exec_script("symlink.py", "/folder2")
assert module.syspath[0] == "/folder"
if __name__ == "__main__":