I Am using Aspose.Slides.NET 20.7.0 and filling a bubble chart in my slide. Before that I am clearing all my series and categories including worksheet. but am not getting any option for enabling the “Show Negative Bubbles” in bubble chart after filling all the series.

How can I make “Show negative bubbles=true”</p>


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您能否提供所需的输出演示,其中包含您想要使用 Aspose.Slides for .NET 实现的负气泡。我将尝试根据提供的示例演示文稿帮助您使用气泡图创建所需的演示文稿。

我在 Aspose 担任支持开发人员/传播者。

于 2020-09-28T19:06:52.127 回答