I'm trying to use a jQuery UI Dialog for a sort of "soft" validation--if the form looks suspicious, warn the user, but allow them to continue the submission anyway:

// multiple submit buttons...
var whichButton;
  whichButton = this;

var userOkWithIt = false;
  if (dataLooksFishy() && !userOkWithIt)
    $("Are you sure you want to do this?").dialog(
        "Yes": function()

          // override check and resubmit form
          userOkWithIt = true;
          // save submit action on form
          $("#myForm").append("<input type='hidden' name='" +
            $(whichSubmit).attr("name") + "' value='" +
            $(whichSubmit).val() + "'>");
          $("#myForm").submit(); /******  Problem *********/
        "No": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }
    return false; // always prevent form submission here
  } // end data looks fishy

  return true; // allow form submission 

I've checked this out with a bunch of debugging alert statements. The control flow is exactly what I expect. If I first fail dataLooksFishy(), I am presented with the dialog and the method returns false asynchronously.

Clicking "yes" does re-trigger this method, and this time, the method returns true, however, the form does not actually submit...

I'm sure I'm missing a better methodology here, but the main target is to be able to simulate the behavior of the synchronous confirm() with the asynchronous dialog().


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如果我正确理解您的问题 - 这是解决方案。(我已将操作分成单独的功能(更易于管理)):

  1. 提交表单(通常)会检查是否有错误 - dataLooksFishy()
  2. 如果有错误 - 应该会弹出一个对话框
  3. 如果用户点击“是” - 表单将提交“force = true”

    form = $("#myForm"),
    formSubmit = function(force){
        if (dataLooksFishy() && force !== true) return showWarning();   // show warning and prevent submit
        else return true;                                               // allow submit
    showWarning = function(){
        $("Are you sure you want to do this?").dialog({ buttons: {
            "Yes": function(){ $(this).dialog("close"); formSubmit(true); },
            "No": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }
        return false;
    dataLooksFishy = function(){ 
        return true;     // true when there are validation errors
    // plain JS form submitting (also works if you hit enter in a text field in a form)
    form[0].onsubmit = formSubmit;


于 2012-08-20T12:25:50.857 回答