唯一的缺点是,由于我们手动更改原始元素的位置,因此无法使用 revert 参数,但可以通过保存起始位置并在拖动停止时将对象动画返回来轻松解决。
<div id="draggable" class="ui-widget-content">
<p>Revert the original</p>
#draggable {
position: relative;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
padding: 0.5em;
float: left;
margin: 0 10px 10px 0;
background-color: red;
border: 2px solid gray;
$(function() {
// Can't use revert, as we animate the original object
//revert: true,
axis: "y",
helper: function(){
// Create an invisible div as the helper. It will move and
// follow the cursor as usual.
return $('<div></div>').css('opacity',0);
create: function(){
// When the draggable is created, save its starting
// position into a data attribute, so we know where we
// need to revert to.
var $this = $(this);
stop: function(){
// When dragging stops, revert the draggable to its
// original starting position.
var $this = $(this);
top: $this.data('starttop')
drag: function(event, ui){
// During dragging, animate the original object to
// follow the invisible helper with custom easing.
top: ui.helper.position().top
演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/NJwER/4/
(E 表示缓和)。它可能不是最优雅的解决方案,可能很容易将其编写为draggableXY
$.fn.draggableXYE = function(options) {
var defaultOptions = {
distance: 5,
dynamic: false
options = $.extend(defaultOptions, options);
// ADDED: Store startPosition for reverting
var startPosition = this.position();
// ADDED: Function to apply easing to passed element
function AnimateElement(element, newpos) {
top: newpos.top,
left: newpos.left
}, 1000, 'easeOutCirc');
distance: options.distance,
// ADDED: Helper function to create invisible helper
helper: function(){
return $('<div></div>').css('opacity',0);
start: function(event, ui) {
ui.helper.data('draggableXY.originalPosition', ui.position || {
top: 0,
left: 0
ui.helper.data('draggableXY.newDrag', true);
drag: function(event, ui) {
var originalPosition = ui.helper.data('draggableXY.originalPosition');
var deltaX = Math.abs(originalPosition.left - ui.position.left);
var deltaY = Math.abs(originalPosition.top - ui.position.top);
var newDrag = options.dynamic || ui.helper.data('draggableXY.newDrag');
ui.helper.data('draggableXY.newDrag', false);
var xMax = newDrag ? Math.max(deltaX, deltaY) === deltaX : ui.helper.data('draggableXY.xMax');
ui.helper.data('draggableXY.xMax', xMax);
var newPosition = ui.position;
if (xMax) {
newPosition.top = originalPosition.top;
if (!xMax) {
newPosition.left = originalPosition.left;
// ADDED: Animate original object with easing to new position
AnimateElement(this, newPosition);
return newPosition;
// ADDED: Stop event to support reverting
stop: function() {
if (options.revert) {
AnimateElement(this, startPosition);
revert: true,
dynamic: true
演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/4C9p2/