(请注意,这可能被视为广告,但“产品”是开源的 MIT 许可,甚至其他引用的“产品”也是开源的 MIT 许可)(请注意,我是广告“产品”的作者和另一个引用的“产品”)
没有任何“好的”解决方案,所以我完成了我的 :-) 我必须创建一个库来创建库:FluentSerializer。该库可用于创建您希望如何序列化二进制数据的“描述”。这个描述是用流利的符号写的。您可以(通过我编写的另一个库FluentStatement)在您的流利描述中包含所有常见的语句,例如while
, if
, for
... (即使有一个流利的符号也很明显)。然后将您的描述编译为表达式树,然后编译为一组动态方法(序列化、反序列化和大小(序列化数据))。
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public class Serializer : ISerializer<MyClass, EmptyParameters>
#region ISerializer<MyClass,EmptyParameters> Members
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Expression<Serializer<MyClass, EmptyParameters>> GetSerializer()
return (op, obj, par) => Statement.Start(fl => fl
// Static objects can be serialized/deserialized.
.Serialize(MyClass.StaticReadonlyInts1, typeof(FixedLength<>))
// So can readonly collections.
.Serialize(obj.ReadonlyInts1, typeof(FixedLength<>))
// Both array and List<> (and Dictionary<,>, and SortedDictionary<,>, and
// many other types of collections)
.Serialize(obj.ReadonlyList1, typeof(VariableLengthByte<>))
////// Readonly fields can be serialized/deserialized.
////// Sadly you can't Dump() serializers that replace read only fields
////// (replace is the keyword here, readonly int X is a no-no,
////// readonly List<int> X is a yes, readonly int[] X is a yes if it's
////// FixedLength<>.
// This will be serialized/deserialized only if obj.Version != 0
// It's only an example of what you can do. You can use the full power of
// FluentStatement, and remember that if instead of EmptyParameters you
// had used another class as the parameters, you could have manipulated it
// through the par object, so par.Version for example.
.If(obj.Version != 0, fl.Serialize(obj.Int3))
// This if(s) depend on the operation that is being done
// (serialization/deserialization/size)
.If(op == Operation.Serialize, fl.Serialize(obj.Int2))
.If(op == Operation.Deserialize, fl.Serialize(obj.Int3))
// Tuples are supported.
// Arrays need to have the length prepended. There are helpers for this.
// The default helper can be specified in the Serializer<T> constructor and
// will be used if the field serializer isn't specified.
// Or you can specify it:
.Serialize(obj.Ints2, typeof(VariableLengthByte<>))
.Serialize(obj.Ints3, typeof(VariableLengthByte<int[]>))
// Nullable types are supported
.Serialize(obj.NullableInt1, typeof(Nullable<int>))
// But note that you could even use the Optional<> with value types,
// usefull for example if you have to use a modifier that is a class
// (like VariableLengthInt32 for example)
.Serialize(obj.NullableInt1, typeof(Optional<int>))
.Serialize(obj.NullableInt2, typeof(Optional<>))
// So are "optional" objects (fields that can be null)
// (Note that here if we wanted to specify the helper, we would have
// to use typeof(Optional<VariableLengthByte<int>>)
.Serialize(obj.OptionalInts1, typeof(Optional<VariableLengthInt32<int[]>>))
.Serialize(obj.OptionalInts2, typeof(Optional<>))
.Serialize(obj.OptionalList1, typeof(Optional<VariableLengthInt32<List<int>>>))
.Serialize(obj.OptionalList2, typeof(Optional<>))
// You can serialize a DateTime as the full .NET value
// Or, for example, as an Unix datetime (32 or 64 bits)
.Serialize(obj.DateTime2, typeof(UnixDateTime<int>))
// For strings it's a little more complex. There are too many combinations
// of possible formats (encoding x string length * (use char or byte length))
// At this time there isn't any helper for C strings (null terminated strings).
// You have to "manually" register you string formats.
.Serialize(obj.String1, typeof(Program.MyUtf8VariableLengthInt32String))
.Serialize(obj.String2, typeof(Program.MyAsciiVariableLengthInt32String))
.Serialize(obj.String3, typeof(Program.MyUnicodeVariableLengthInt32String))
// Chain serializing the base class can be done in this way
.Serialize(obj, typeof(MySimpleClass))
// This is only to make it easy to add new serialization fields. The last ) is
// "attached" to the .Empty and doesn't need to be moved.
对您来说可能就足够了(正如我在原始问题中和 Fantius 在他的回答中所建议的那样)。