我编写了一个应用程序,该应用程序有一个类,该类将从在线 JSON 中提取并解析它,然后返回一个字符串(当天的报价)。
另一个问题是它不会在转到第二天的 5 分钟内刷新报价。(我检查了 API,我知道他们更改了它。我还认为我已将其设置为每分钟检查一次)。
我在此处附上了为您浏览 JSON 的代码:
public class QuoteManager: ObservableObject {
@Published var endQuote = String()
init() {
func load() {
let url = URL(string: "https://zenquotes.io/api/today")!
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) {(data,response,error) in
do {
if let d = data {
let quote = try JSONDecoder().decode([Contents].self, from: d)
let finalizedQuote = "\"\(quote[0].q)\" --\(quote[0].a)"
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.endQuote = finalizedQuote
}else {
print("No Data")
} catch {
print ("Error")
func parseJSON(_ quoteData: Data) -> QuoteData? {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
let decodedData = try decoder.decode(QuoteData.self, from: quoteData)
return decodedData
} catch {
return nil
struct Contents: Codable {
let q: String
let a: String
let h: String
typealias QuoteData = [Contents]
struct Provider: TimelineProvider {
func placeholder(in context: Context) -> SimpleEntry {
SimpleEntry(date: Date())
func getSnapshot(in context: Context, completion: @escaping (SimpleEntry) -> ()) {
let entry = SimpleEntry(date: Date())
func getTimeline(in context: Context, completion: @escaping (Timeline<Entry>) -> ()) {
let date = Date()
let entry = SimpleEntry(date: date)
// Generate a timeline consisting of five entries an hour apart, starting from the current date.
let nextUpdateDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .minute, value: 1, to: date)!
// Create the timeline with the entry and a reload policy with the date
// for the next update.
let timeline = Timeline(
policy: .after(nextUpdateDate)
struct SimpleEntry: TimelineEntry {
let date: Date
@ObservedObject var quoteManager = QuoteManager()
struct Quote_WidgetEntryView : View {
let quote: String
var body: some View {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(maxHeight: .infinity)
struct Quote_Widget: Widget {
let kind: String = "Quote_Widget"
@ObservedObject var quoteManager = QuoteManager()
var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
StaticConfiguration(kind: kind, provider: Provider()) { entry in
Quote_WidgetEntryView(quote: quoteManager.endQuote)
.configurationDisplayName("Daily Quotes")
.description("A new quote everyday for inspiration and motivation!")
.supportedFamilies([.systemSmall, .systemMedium, .systemLarge])
struct Quote_Widget_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Quote_WidgetEntryView(quote: "Preview")
.previewContext(WidgetPreviewContext(family: .systemMedium))