I recently installed the ultisnips plugin on neovim, and I'm having an issue with it:
When I enable ultisnips
, when I press <
in visual mode, there's a delay until my lines are left-shifted, but my right-shifting using >
works instantly.
If I run :verbose map <
, I see the following
x <nop> * :call UltiSnips#SaveLastVisualSelection()<CR>gvs
Last set from ~/.vim/plugged/ultisnips/autoload/UltiSnips/map_keys.vim line 64
s <nop> * <Esc>:call UltiSnips#ExpandSnippet()<CR>
Last set from ~/.vim/plugged/ultisnips/autoload/UltiSnips/map_keys.vim line 62
And from what I see, the bindings are coming from the snippet files and they're not my mapping, so I was wondering if there's any way for me fix the issue.
Thank you