I'm trying to make assertions about program equivalence using z3's Fixedpoints, and I'm finding that any sort of recursion, even trivially decidable recursion, makes z3 totally choke. This z3py tutorial specifically calls out program simulation as a use case for Fixedpoints, with programs being represented by recursive data types. I feel like I must be doing something wrong.
Here's a simple example:
from z3 import *
List = Datatype('List')
List.declare('cons', ('car', List), ('cdr', List))
List = List.create()
nil = List.nil
cons = List.cons
a = Const('a', List)
RightLL = Function('RightLL', List, BoolSort())
fp = Fixedpoint()
fp.rule(RightLL(cons(nil, a)), RightLL(a))
BIG_ISH = cons(nil, cons(nil, cons(nil, cons(nil, cons(nil, cons(nil, cons(nil, cons(nil, cons(nil, cons(nil, nil))))))))))
is a unary relation for trees that only extend to the right. nil
only extends to the right, and if you do cons(nil, a)
on a list a
that only extends to the right, it continues to extend to the right. Seems like it should be trivial.
But on a modestly deep tree, the code spins indefinitely. Here's the stats after interrupting a few minutes in:
(:SPACER-max-depth 7
:SPACER-max-query-lvl 7
:SPACER-num-active-lemmas 9
:SPACER-num-ctp-blocked 11
:SPACER-num-is_invariant 27
:SPACER-num-lemmas 21
:SPACER-num-pobs 6
:SPACER-num-propagations 4
:SPACER-num-queries 18
:added-eqs 103061776
:bool-inductive-gen 15
:bool-inductive-gen-failures 12
:conflicts 31312
:datatype-accessor-ax 10890974
:datatype-constructor-ax 25388634
:datatype-occurs-check 51492242
:datatype-splits 34477418
:decisions 38226758
:del-clause 656
:final-checks 23408
:iuc_solver.num_proxies 63
:max-memory 55.70
:memory 55.33
:minimized-lits 3476
:mk-bool-var 52243150
:mk-clause 31440
:num-allocs 1205059883276.00
:num-checks 660
:pool_solver.checks 330
:pool_solver.checks.sat 263
:pool_solver.checks.undef 1
:propagations 36882678
:restarts 198
:rlimit-count 277012208
:time.iuc_solver.get_iuc 0.00
:time.iuc_solver.get_iuc.hyp_reduce2 0.00
:time.pool_solver.proof 0.00
:time.pool_solver.smt.total 197.77
:time.pool_solver.smt.total.sat 193.37
:time.pool_solver.smt.total.undef 4.22
:time.spacer.init_rules 0.00
:time.spacer.mbp 0.00
:time.spacer.solve 197.88
:time.spacer.solve.propagate 10.48
:time.spacer.solve.reach 187.39
:time.spacer.solve.reach.children 0.00
:time.spacer.solve.reach.gen.bool_ind 168.29)
I honestly have no idea what z3 might be trying here... Smaller lists, and lists that don't match the predicate (when the cons-on-the-left is near the top of the tree) complete quickly.
Am I doing it wrong? Or is z3 just incapable of handling recursively defined predicates over algebraic data types?