我有一个使用基本搜索的仪表板,以及 4 个其他面板,这些面板引用它并根据我要使用的图表以不同的方式格式化结果。



index=mail sourcetype=barracuda bcProcess="outbound/smtp" 
    [ search index=mail sourcetype=barracuda 
        [ search index=mail sourcetype=sendmail_syslog msgid="<*@sfdc.net>" 
           | rex field=from "<(?<bcSender>.*)>" 
           | stats count by bcSender 
           | fields bcSender 
           | format 
      | stats count by bcMsgId 
      | fields bcMsgId


<search base="main_results">
   | stats count(bcMsgId) as total


<search base="main_results">
   | timechart span=1h count AS "Total Sends"



        <title>Send Action Breakdown</title>
        <search base="main_results">
          <query>| rename bcSendAction as "Send Action" 
| chart count as Total by "Send Action" 
| eval "Send Action"="Send Action"." (".Total.")" 
| replace 1 WITH "Success" , 2 WITH "Block" , 3 WITH "Deferral" IN "Send Action"</query>
        <option name="charting.chart">pie</option>
        <option name="charting.drilldown">none</option>
        <option name="height">460</option>
        <option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
        <option name="charting.chart.showPercent">true</option>





Bounty Clarity 更新: 我的仪表板有 4 个面板,其中 3 个几乎使用相同的搜索查询,这就是我试图设置基本搜索以便他们都可以引用它的原因。

这是我对 4 个面板的 4 次单独搜索,如果它有助于显示我如何尝试将其拆分以使我的基础正常运行。

// Total Emails Sent
index=mail sourcetype=barracuda bcProcess="outbound/smtp" 
            [ search index=mail sourcetype=barracuda 
              [ search index=mail sourcetype=sendmail_syslog msgid="<*@sfdc.net>" 
                | rex field=from "<(?<bcSender>.*)>" 
                | stats count as Total by bcSender 
                | fields bcSender 
                | format 
              | stats count as Total by bcMsgId 
              | fields bcMsgId, bcSendAction 
            | stats count(bcMsgId) as total

// Emails per hour
index=mail sourcetype=barracuda bcProcess="outbound/smtp" 
            [ search index=mail sourcetype=barracuda 
              [ search index=mail sourcetype=sendmail_syslog msgid="<*@sfdc.net>" 
                | rex field=from "<(?<bcSender>.*)>" 
                | stats count as Total by bcSender 
                | fields bcSender 
                | format 
              | stats count as Total by bcMsgId 
              | fields bcMsgId, bcSendAction 
            | bin _time as hour span=1h
| stats count as hourcount by hour
| eval hour=strftime(hour,"%H:%M")
| chart sum(hourcount) as count by hour

// Top 10 Senders
index=mail sourcetype=sendmail_syslog msgid="<*@sfdc.net>"         
            | rex field=from "<(?<bcSender>.*)>"          
            | stats count as Total by bcSender
            | rename bcSender as "From Address"
            | sort -Total | head 10

// Action Breakdown
index=mail sourcetype=barracuda bcProcess="outbound/smtp" 
            [ search index=mail sourcetype=barracuda 
              [ search index=mail sourcetype=sendmail_syslog msgid="<*@sfdc.net>" 
                | rex field=from "<(?<bcSender>.*)>" 
                | stats count as Total by bcSender 
                | fields bcSender 
                | format 
              | stats count as Total by bcMsgId 
              | fields bcMsgId, bcSendAction 
          | stats count as Total by bcSendAction
          | rename bcSendAction as Action
          | replace 1 WITH "Success" , 2 WITH "Block" , 3 WITH "Deferral" IN Action
          | eval "Action"=Action." (".Total.")"

1 回答 1


在基本语句bcSendAction的饼图中包含您需要的字段。| fields假设碱基搜索在 FAST 模式下运行。任何未在基础中显式调用的字段将不可用于后处理搜索。

于 2021-05-13T14:30:46.353 回答