首先,我使用了本教程中提到的来自 BoostWorthy.com 的 Ryan Taylor 的代码:http:
//www.boostworthy.com/blog/? p=200
如果您使用正弦波,则波仅在每 60 度一次的最大值处达到峰值......当颜色值的斜率需要在每 60 度期间保持恒定时(即在一个时期内,每种颜色的最大值将为 255 或该期间的最小值为 0)
//Define our variables
var nRadians:Number;
var nColor:int = 0;
var nX:Number;
var nY:Number;
var nIX:Number;
var nIY:Number;
var nR:Number;
var nG:Number;
var nB:Number;
// Calculate the thickness of the lines which draw the colors.
var iThickness:int = 1 + int(nRadius / 50);
// Loop from '0' to '360' degrees, drawing lines from the center
// of the wheel outward the length of the specified radius.
for(var i:int = 0; i < 360; i++)
nRadians = i * (Math.PI / 180);
var offset:Number = i;
offset = offset - 60;
} while (offset >= 60)
if (offset < 0) offset = offset + 60;
var greenSlope:String = "up";
var redSlope:String = "max";
var blueSlope:String = "min";
if (i >= 60) greenSlope = "max";
if (i > 180) greenSlope = "down";
if (i >= 240) greenSlope = "min";
if (i > 60) redSlope = "down";
if (i >= 120) redSlope = "min";
if (i > 240) redSlope = "up";
if (i >= 300) redSlope = "max";
if (i > 120) blueSlope = "up";
if (i >= 180) blueSlope = "max";
if (i > 300) blueSlope = "down";
var colorArr:Array = new Array(blueSlope,greenSlope,redSlope);
var valueArr:Array = new Array(nB,nG,nR);
var counter:int = 0;
var bitRotation:int = 0;
for each (var color:String in colorArr)
var value:Number = 0;
var percentUpOffset:Number = ((100 / 60) * offset) / 100;
var percentDownOffset:Number = ((100 / 60) * (60 - offset)) / 100;
if (color == "max") value = 255;
if (color == "min") value = 0;
if (color == "up") value = 255 * percentUpOffset;
if (color == "down") value = 255 * percentDownOffset;
valueArr[counter] = value << bitRotation;
if (i == 0) trace(value);
bitRotation = bitRotation + 8;
nR = valueArr[2];
nG = valueArr[1];
nB = valueArr[0];
// OR the individual color channels together.
nColor = nR | nG | nB;
// Calculate the coordinate in which the line should be drawn to.
// (nIX / nIY is the inner start position of the ring
nX = (nRadius * Math.cos(nRadians)) + DEFAULT_RADIUS;
nY = (nRadius * Math.sin(nRadians)) + DEFAULT_RADIUS;
nIX = ((nRadius - nHeight) * Math.cos(nRadians)) + DEFAULT_RADIUS;
nIY = ((nRadius - nHeight) * Math.sin(nRadians)) + DEFAULT_RADIUS;
//Draw the line
var line:Line = new Line();
var stroke:SolidColorStroke = new SolidColorStroke(nColor,iThickness);
line.stroke = stroke;
line.xFrom = nIX;
line.xTo = nX;
line.yFrom = nIY;
line.yTo = nY;