现在已经有一段时间了,我试图让自己用 Javascript 为org-mode编写一个解析器。我在解析大纲时完全没有问题(我在几分钟内完成了),但解析实际内容要困难得多,例如,我在使用叠层列表时遇到了麻烦。

* This is a heading
  P1 Start a paragraph here but since it is the first indentation level
the paragraph may have a lower indentation on the next line
    or a greater one for that matter.

  + LI1.1 I am beginning a list here
  + LI1.2 Here begins another list item
    which continues here
      and also here
  P2 but is broken here (this line becomes a paragraph
  outside of the first list).
  + LI2.1 P1 Second list item.
    - LI2.1.1 Inner list with a simple item
    - LI2.1.2 P1 and with an item containing several paragraphs.
      Here is the second line in the item, and now

      LI2.1.2 P2 I begin a new paragraph still in the same item. 
        The indentation can be only higher
    LI2.1 P2 but if the indentation is lower, it breaks the item, 
    (and the whole list), and this is a paragraph in the LI2.1
    list item

    - LI 2.2.1 You get the picture
  P3 Just plain text outside of the list.

(在上面的例子中,PXandLIX.Y只是明确显示新块的开始,它们不会出现在实际文档中。P代表段落和LI列表项。在 HTML 世界中,PX 将是<p>标记。编号只是为了帮助跟踪列表的嵌套和变化。)

我想知道解析这种重要的空白叠瓦块的策略,显然我可以逐行解析而无需任何回溯或什么都没有,所以它一定很简单,但由于某种原因我无法做到。我试图从 Markdown 解析器或应该具有类似重叠特性的东西中获得灵感,但在我看来(对于我看到的那些)它们非常hacky,充满了正则表达式,我希望我能写一些更干净的东西(org - 模式“语法”当您考虑它时非常庞大,它会一点一点地增长,我希望整个事情都可以维护并允许轻松插入新功能)。



3 回答 3


我喜欢解析器和编译器理论,因此我编写了一个小型解析器(手动),它能够将您的示例片段解析为 XML DOM 文档对象。应该可以对其进行修改,使其产生其他类型的树结构,例如自定义 AST(抽象语法树)。



使用您的示例代码段作为输入,语句result = new OrgModParser().parse(input); result.xml返回:

<org-mode-document indentLevel="-1">
    <section indentLevel="0">
        <header indentLevel="0">This is a heading</header>
            <paragraph indentLevel="1">P1 Start a paragraph here but since it is the first indentation level the paragraph may have a lower indentation on the next line or a greater one for that matter.</paragraph>
            <list indentLevel="1">
                <list-item indentLevel="1">
                    <paragraph indentLevel="2">LI1.1 I am beginning a list here</paragraph>
                <list-item indentLevel="1">
                    <paragraph indentLevel="2">LI1.2 Here begins another list item which continues here and also here</paragraph>
        <paragraph indentLevel="1">P2 but is broken here (this line becomes a paragraph outside of the first list).</paragraph>
        <list indentLevel="1">
            <list-item indentLevel="1">
                <paragraph indentLevel="2">LI2.1 P1 Second list item.</paragraph>
                <list indentLevel="2">
                    <list-item indentLevel="2">
                        <paragraph indentLevel="3">LI2.1.1 Inner list with a simple item</paragraph>
                    <list-item indentLevel="2">
                        <paragraph indentLevel="3">LI2.1.2 P1 and with an item containing several paragraphs. Here is the second line in the item, and now</paragraph>
                        <paragraph indentLevel="3">LI2.1.2 P2 I begin a new paragraph still in the same item.  The indentation can be only higher</paragraph>
                <paragraph indentLevel="2">LI2.1 P2 but if the indentation is lower, it breaks the item,  (and the whole list), and this is a paragraph in the LI2.1 list item</paragraph>
                <list indentLevel="2">
                    <list-item indentLevel="2">
                        <paragraph indentLevel="3">LI2.2.1 You get the picture</paragraph>
        <paragraph indentLevel="1">P3 Just plain text outside of the list.</paragraph>


 * File: orgmodparser.js
 * Basic usage: var object = new OrgModeParser().parse(input); 
 * Works on: JScript and JScript.Net.
 * - For other JavaScript platforms, just replace or override the .createRoot() method

OrgModeParser = function (options) {
    if (typeof options == "object") {
        for (var i in options) {
            this[i] = options[i];

OrgModeParser.prototype = {

    "INDENT_WIDTH" :    2,  // Two spaces
    "LINE_SEPARATOR" :  "\r\n",

     * Each line in the input will be matched against this regexp.
     * Only spaces are allowed as indentation characters.
     * The symbols '*', '+' and '-' will be recognized, but only if they are followed by at least one space.
     * Add other symbols in this regexp if you want the parser to recognize them
    "re" :    /^( *)([\+\-\*] +)?(.*)/,

    // This function must return a valid XML DOM document object
    createRoot :    function () {
        var err, progIDs = ["Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument.2.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument.1.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument"];
        for (var i = 0; i < progIDs.length; i++) {
            try {
                return new ActiveXObject(progIDs[i]);
            catch (err) {
        alert("Org-mode parser - Error - Failed to instantiate root object");
        return null;

    parse : function (text) {

        function createNode (tagName, text) {
            var node = root.createElement(tagName);
            node.setAttribute("indentLevel", level);
            if (text) {
                var textNode = root.createTextNode(text);
            return node;

        function getContainer () {
            if (lastNode.tagName == "section") { return lastNode; }
            var anc = lastNode.parentNode;
            while (anc) {
                if (modifier == "+" || modifier == "-") {
                    if (anc.getAttribute("indentLevel") == level && anc.tagName == "list") { return anc; }
                if (anc.getAttribute("indentLevel") < level && anc.tagName != "paragraph") { return anc; }
                anc = anc.parentNode;
            alert("Org-mode parser - Internal error at line: "+i);return null;

        if (typeof text != "string") { alert("Org-mode - Type error - Input must be of type 'string'"); return null; }

        var body;
        var content;     // The text of the current line, without its indentation and modifier
        var lastNode;    // The node being processed
        var indent;      // The indentation of the current line
        var isAfterDubbleLineBreak;  // Indicates if the current line follows a dubble line break
        var line;        // The current line being processed
        var level;       // The current indentation level; given by indent.length / this.INDENT_WIDTH. Not to confuse with the nesting level 
        var lines;       // Array. Empty lines are included.
        var match;
        var modifier;    // This can be "*", "+", "-" or ""
        var root;

        isAfterDubbleLineBreak = false;
        level = -1;      // Indentation level is -1 initially; it will be 0 for the first "*"-bloc
        lines = text.split(this.LINE_SEPARATOR);
        root = this.createRoot();
        body = root.appendChild(createNode("org-mode-document"));
        lastNode = body;

        for (var i = 0; i < lines .length; i++) {
            line = lines[i];
            match = line.match(this.re);
            if (match === null) { alert("org-mode parse error at line: " + i); return null; }
            indent = match[1];
            level = indent.length / this.INDENT_WIDTH;
            modifier = match[2] && match[2].charAt(0);
            content = match[3];

            // These conditions tell the parser what to do when encountering a line with a given modifer
            if (content === "") { dubbleLineBreak(); continue; }
            else if (modifier == "+" || modifier == "-") { plus(); }
            else if (modifier == "*") { star(); }
            else if (modifier == "+") { plus(); }
            else if (modifier == "-") { minus(); }
            else if (modifier == "") { noModifier(); }
            isAfterDubbleLineBreak = false;
        return root;

        function star() {
            // The '*' modifier is not allowed on an indented line
            if (indent) { alert("Org-mode parse error: unexpected '*' symbol at line " + i); return null; }
            lastNode = body.appendChild(createNode("section"));
            // The div remains the current node
            lastNode.appendChild(createNode("header", content));

        function plus() {
            var container = getContainer();
            var tn = container.tagName;
            if (tn == "section" || tn == "list-item") {
                lastNode = container.appendChild(createNode("list"));
                lastNode = lastNode.appendChild(createNode("list-item"));
                lastNode = lastNode.appendChild(createNode("paragraph", content));
            } else if (tn == "list") {
                lastNode = container.appendChild(createNode("list-item"));
                lastNode = lastNode.appendChild(createNode("paragraph", content));
            else alert("Org-mode parser - Internal error - Bad container tag name: " + tn);
            lastNode.setAttribute("indentLevel", Number(lastNode.getAttribute("indentLevel")) + 1);

        function minus() { plus(); }

        function noModifier() {
            if (lastNode.tagName == "paragraph" && !isAfterDubbleLineBreak && (lastNode.getAttribute("indentLevel") == 1 || level >= lastNode.getAttribute("indentLevel"))) {
                lastNode.childNodes[0].appendData(" " + content);
            } else {
                var container = getContainer();
                lastNode = container.appendChild(createNode("paragraph", content));

        function dubbleLineBreak() {
            while (lines[i+1] && /^\s*$/.test(lines[i+1])) { i++; }
            isAfterDubbleLineBreak = true;

于 2011-06-23T10:19:59.517 回答

就像我在评论中所说的那样,解析它会很痛苦,就像许多类似 Wiki 的语言一样。


我知道 ANTLR 可以做到这一点,但这并非易事,最重要的是,您需要掌握该工具(这需要一些时间!)。我没有花太多时间在其他两个工具上,但怀疑它们是否能胜任这种令人讨厌的语言的工作。





于 2011-06-18T20:38:43.607 回答

这里有一个 Javascript org-mode 解析器。

于 2013-06-24T08:01:04.433 回答