I am learning AngularJS. I am trying to make a custom directive that checks if email already exists. I get my emails from array that has like 9 users and I can successfully get them using Factory. My problem with my custom directive is that no matter what input I enter the button will be disabled. The idea of the directive is when I lose focus it will check if the email exist or it doesn't if it does it will disable the button if it doesn't then the button will be enabled.
return {
link:function($scope, element) {
element.bind('blur',function () {
var emailInput = element.val();
var flag = "false";
$scope.registeredUsers.forEach(element => {
if(emailInput === element.email){
flag = "true";
$scope.invalidemail = flag;
That is my directive as you can see I tried using flags it didn't work I tried changing the flag to booleans still not working I will also show my HTML. I am not sure if var emailInput = email.val() making problems to me because I am not using ng-model.
<form action="">
<input type="text" name="emailField" ng-model="emailInput" register-user>
<input type="button" name="" value="check" ng-disabled= invalidemail>
That is my HTML. Note I am not checking if email is valid in this task. I am just checking if the email already exist in my array or not.