I need the mongo shell installed inside the ansible-operator image.
My first attempt was to use this Dockerfile:
FROM mongo:4.2.9
FROM quay.io/operator-framework/ansible-operator:v1.0.0
COPY --from=0 /usr/bin/mongo /usr/bin/mongo
COPY requirements.yml ${HOME}/requirements.yml
RUN ansible-galaxy collection install -r ${HOME}/requirements.yml \
&& chmod -R ug+rwx ${HOME}/.ansible
COPY watches.yaml ${HOME}/watches.yaml
COPY roles/ ${HOME}/roles/
COPY playbooks/ ${HOME}/playbooks/
Unsurprisingly, this didn't worked.
"stderr_lines": ["/usr/bin/mongo: /lib64/libcurl.so.4: no version information available (required by /usr/bin/mongo)", "Failed global initialization: InvalidSSLConfiguration Can not set up PEM key file."]
Can anyone help me?