
_P = TypeVar('_P', bound=PurePath)


class PurePath(_PurePathBase): ...


from abc import ABC
from typing import Type
from typing import TypeVar
from foo.interface import SomeInterface

_MT = TypeVar('_MT', bound=MyBaseClass)

class MyBaseClass(SomeInterface, ABC):
    def __new__(cls: Type[_MT], var: int = 0) -> _MT:
        if var == 1:
            return object.__new__(FirstSubClass)
        return object.__new__(cls)

class FirstSubClass(MyBaseClass): pass


_MT = TypeVar('_MT', covariant=True, bound=SomeInterface)

并且我所有的 linter 警告都满足("expected type _MT, got object instead")...



1 回答 1


In runtime Python code, you can use string literal types in the bound attribute to create a forward reference:

>>> _MT = TypeVar('_MT', bound='MyBaseClass')
>>> _MT.__bound__

As for why a non-string can be used in typeshed, it's because typeshed provides .pyi stub files, which are syntactically valid Python code, but are not meant to be executed, only to be examined by type checkers. There's little I could find on specifications for stub files, but it makes sense to assume that everything is implicitly a string literal. This seems to be implied from the mypy docs:

String literal types are never needed in # type: comments and stub files.

于 2021-05-23T16:55:38.063 回答