We are testing out the capabilities of driverless AI. One of our first datasets is like this. X1,X2.... X400, Y1,Y2...Y200
Here we want to do multi-label classification on our dataset. However, in the driverless AI web client, there is only an option to specify only one target.
Another alternative , I tried was concating all the Y variables into a single list.
However, instead of predicting each Y variable, h20.ai just treats every sequence of number as a class.
Like if there was 3 Y variables.
then [0 0 1] and [0 1 0] and so on till 8 classes.
Then while training, it just complains that some of these 8 classes dont have enough rows and drops them. In my case, i have over 200 Y variables, so it drops a lot of these classes.
Does anyone know of any solution to do this in driverless AI?