我编写了这个网络抓取程序,从 IG 市场中提取 26 个外汇对的零售交易情绪数据。


AUD-CAD: 64% of client accounts are short.
AUD-CHF: 54% of client accounts are long.
AUD-JPY: 60% of client accounts are short.
AUD-NZD: 60% of client accounts are long.
AUD-USD: 53% of client accounts are short.
CAD-CHF: 56% of client accounts are long.
CAD-JPY: 56% of client accounts are long.
CHF-JPY: 68% of client accounts are short.
EUR-AUD: 68% of client accounts are long.
EUR-CAD: 65% of client accounts are short.
EUR-CHF: 66% of client accounts are long.
EUR-GBP: 53% of client accounts are short.
EUR-JPY: 57% of client accounts are short.
EUR-NZD: 55% of client accounts are long.
EUR-USD: 54% of client accounts are short.
GBP-AUD: 73% of client accounts are long.
GBP-CAD: 66% of client accounts are long.
GBP-CHF: 63% of client accounts are long.
GBP-JPY: 52% of client accounts are short.
GBP-NZD: 57% of client accounts are long.
GBP-USD: 59% of client accounts are short.
SPOT-FX-NZDCAD: 68% of client accounts are short.
NZD-CHF: 59% of client accounts are short.
NZD-JPY: 57% of client accounts are short.
NZD-USD: 72% of client accounts are short.
USD-CAD: 69% of client accounts are long.
USD-CHF: 79% of client accounts are long.
USD-JPY: 58% of client accounts are long.

我想将此数据导出到名为“GsheetTest”的 Google 表格,但我被卡住了,我不知道该怎么做。

谷歌 API 已启用。我已经创建了凭据,获得了服务帐户 json 密钥。

我可以使用 pygsheets 和 panda 数据框向这个 google sheet 文件“GsheetTest”写入简单的文本。


import bs4, requests

def getIGsentiment(pairUrl):
    res = requests.get(pairUrl)

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
elems = soup.select('.price-ticket__sentiment')
return elems[0].get_text(" ", strip = True)

pair_list = ['aud-cad', 'aud-chf', 'aud-jpy', 'aud-nzd', 'aud-usd', 'cad-chf', 'cad-jpy', 
             'chf-jpy', 'eur-aud', 'eur-cad', 'eur-chf', 'eur-gbp', 'eur-jpy', 'eur-nzd', 
             'eur-usd', 'gbp-aud', 'gbp-cad', 'gbp-chf', 'gbp-jpy', 'gbp-nzd', 'gbp-usd', 
             'spot-fx-nzdcad', 'nzd-chf', 'nzd-jpy','nzd-usd', 'usd-cad', 'usd-chf',
for i in range(len(pair_list)):
    retail_positions = getIGsentiment('https://www.ig.com/us/forex/markets-forex/ +(pair_list[i]))
    pair = pair_list[i]
    print(pair.upper() +': ' + retail_positions[0:32].rstrip() + '.')

2 回答 2


首先在浏览器中打开 json 文件并找到电子邮件地址,现在与该电子邮件共享电子表格以及编辑权限,然后使用以下代码..

#Import these libraries or pip install if not installed already
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
import gspread
import bs4, requests
def getIGsentiment(pairUrl):
    res = requests.get(pairUrl)

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')
elems = soup.select('.price-ticket__sentiment')
return elems[0].get_text(" ", strip = True)

pair_list = ['aud-cad', 'aud-chf', 'aud-jpy', 'aud-nzd', 'aud-usd', 'cad-chf', 'cad-jpy', 
             'chf-jpy', 'eur-aud', 'eur-cad', 'eur-chf', 'eur-gbp', 'eur-jpy', 'eur-nzd', 
             'eur-usd', 'gbp-aud', 'gbp-cad', 'gbp-chf', 'gbp-jpy', 'gbp-nzd', 'gbp-usd', 
             'spot-fx-nzdcad', 'nzd-chf', 'nzd-jpy','nzd-usd', 'usd-cad', 'usd-chf',

#now you need auth and set scope 

scope = ['https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds','https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive']
creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('path-to-your-json.json', scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(creds)
sh = gc.open('Spread Sheet name You want to open')
worksheet = sh.add_worksheet('sheet to be added name', int(rows), int(columns))

for i in range(len(pair_list)):
    retail_positions = getIGsentiment('https://www.ig.com/us/forex/markets-forex/ +(pair_list[i]))
    pair = pair_list[i]
    foo = pair.upper() +': ' + retail_positions[0:32].rstrip() + '.'
    worksheet.insert_row(foo, 1)
于 2020-09-08T21:28:10.397 回答


import pygsheets
import numpy as np

pair_data = []  # data fro your code

gc = pygsheets.authorize()

# Open spreadsheet and then worksheet
sh = gc.open('GsheetTest')
wks = sh.sheet1
wks.wks.update_values('A1', pair_data)
于 2020-09-08T21:01:44.800 回答