在 Delphi 7 中,int64 已签名,如果我尝试声明一个大于 $8000000000000000 的十六进制常量(例如,什么是真正的 uint64),我会收到错误消息。你能建议一些解决方法吗?
3 回答
type muint64 = record
case boolean of
true: (i64 : int64);
false:(lo32, hi32: cardinal);
现在你可以使用基数来用无符号数据填充你的 uint64。
const almostmaxint64 = $800000045000000;
var muint64: int64;
muint64:= almostmaxint64;
muint64:= muint64 shl 1;
Traditionally, Broland implementations suffered interoperability issues because lack of largest unsigned supported by target platform. I remember using LongInt
values instead of DWORD
and waiting for troubles since very early days of Turbo Pascal for Windows. Then was Cardinal
happiness, but no, D4 introduced largest integer Int64
in its signed form only. Again.
So your only option is to rely on signed fundamental type Int64
and pray... wait, no, just use Int64Rec
typecast to perform arithmetics on least and most significant part separately.
Back to constant declaration:
foo = $8000004200000001; // this will work because hexadecimal notation is unsigned by its nature
// however, declared symbol foo becomes signed Int64 value
// attempting to use decimal numeral will result in "Integer constant too large" error
// see "True constants" topic in D7 Help for more details
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
// just to verify
Caption := IntToHex(foo, SizeOf(Int64) * 2);
Unfortunately, the other workaround is to change your compiler. Free Pascal always keeps signed and unsigned types in sync.
This snippet compiles and yields correct result in Borland Delphi Version 15.0 (a.k.a Delphi 7).
我假设您希望将值传递给某个外部 DLL 中的函数。您必须将参数声明为带符号的 64 位整数,Int64
. 然后,您所能做的就是传入与所需无符号值具有相同位模式的有符号值。使用支持无符号 64 位整数的编译器为自己构建一个小转换器工具。