protocol HavingUID {
// Some way to use KeyPath?
struct A : HavingUID {
var unique1 : String
var unique2 : Int
struct B : HavingUID {
var unique1 : Double
let a1 = A(unique1:"val", unique2: 1)
let a2 = A(unique1:"val", unique2: 2)
let b1 = B(unique1:0.5)
let b2 = B(unique1:0.0)
let b3 = B(unique1:0.2)
let arrA : [HavingUID] = [a1,a2]
let arrB : [HavingUID] = [b1,b2,b3]
// How to check arrA and arrB for duplicate UID properties?
protocol HavingUID {
typealias UID
static var uidKey : KeyPath<Self, UID> {get}
struct A : HavingUID {
static var uidKey = A.\unique1
var unique1 : String
struct B : HavingUID {
static var uidKey = B.\uniqueB
var uniqueB : Int