I have trouble reaching the Administration console of the OpenAM server for a second time after a restart of the JBoss applicationserver on Windows 2008 Server R2 Datacenter.

  1. I deploy OpenAM 9.5.2 (the opensso.war file) in the JBoss-4.2.3GA 'deploy' folder of its default profile.

  2. I point my Internet Explorer 8 browser to: my.test.domain.com:8080/opensso

  3. The page appears to create a Default or Custom Configuration for the OpenAM server

  4. I successfully complete the wizard for creating a Custom Configuration

  5. A pop-up with a 'Proceed to login' link appears after completing the configuration

  6. I click this link and I can access the Admin console

Here is the thing:

When I restart JBoss and try to browse to the Admin console URL manually for a second time:


It will instead go to the page again to create a Default or Custom Configuration:


And therefore I cannot access the Admin console anymore.

Note: I verified that the URL: my.test.domain.com:8080/opensso/console is correct by opening a second tab in IE8 before the restart of JBoss.


2 回答 2


Been looking at doing this myself - this may provide the solution


于 2011-07-29T09:19:04.790 回答


-Dcom.sun.identity.configuration.directory= your configuration directory
于 2011-07-30T13:01:54.053 回答