我正在从网络服务器进行每日图像的 BITS 传输,并且在传输过程中我不断得到随机丢弃。

当它循环下载时,我偶尔会收到“连接过早关闭”或“安全通道支持中发生错误”。每个文件夹中大约有 180 张图像,其中可能有 5-10% 发生这种情况。对于那些未完成的,我需要重试下载。

我这样做的代码如下 - 我不完美的解决方法是运行循环两次,但我希望找到更好的解决方案。

# Set the URL where the images are located
$url = 'https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/archdat/global/stitched/MoS_2/navgem/wind_waves/latest/'

# Set the local path where the images will be stored
$path = 'C:\images\Wind_Waves\latest\'

# Create a list of all assets returned from $url
$site = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url

# Create a table subset from the $site of all files returned with a .jpg extension
$table = $site.Links | Where-Object{ $_.tagName -eq 'A' -and $_.href.ToLower().EndsWith("jpg") }

# Create a list of all href items from the table & call it $images
$images = $table.href 

# Enumerate all of the images - for troubleshooting purposes - can be removed

# Check to make sure there are images available for download - arbitrarily picked more than 2 $images
if($images.count -gt 2){

    # Delete all of the files in the "latest" folder
    Remove-Item ($path + "*.*") -Force
# For loop to check to see if we already have the image and, if not, download it
ForEach ($image in $images)
if(![System.IO.File]::Exists($path + $image)){
    Write-Output "Downloading: " $image
    Start-BitsTransfer -Source ($url + $image) -Destination $path -TransferType Download -RetryInterval 60
    Start-Sleep 2
Get-BitsTransfer | Where-Object {$_.JobState -eq "Transferred"} | Complete-BitsTransfer
} else {
Write-Output "No images to download"}

3 回答 3


这是上述代码的一些修改版本。发生错误时,BITS 传输作业对象似乎消失了,因此尝试查找/恢复该作业是没有用的。相反,我将整个 Try-Catch 块包装在一个 while 循环中,并在下载文件时退出。

$url = 'https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/archdat/global/stitched/MoS_2/navgem/wind_waves/latest/'
$path = 'D:\Temp\images\Wind_Waves\latest'
$site = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url
$MaxRetries = 3     # Initialize the maximum number of retry attempts.

# Create a table subset from the $site of all files returned with a .jpg extension
$table = $site.Links | 
Where-Object {
    $_.tagName -eq 'A' -and 

# Create a list of all href items from the table & call it $images
Enumerate all of the images - for troubleshooting purposes - can be removed
Assign and display using variable squeezing
($images = $table.href)

Check to make sure there are images available for download - arbitrarily 
picked more than 2 $images
if ($images.count -gt 2) {
    Remove-Item ($path + '*.*') -Force
    ForEach ($image in $images) {
        # Due to occasional failures to transfer, wrap the BITS transfer in a while loop
        # re-initialize the exit counter for each new image
        $retryCount = 0
        while ($retryCount -le $MaxRetries){
            Try {
                Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading: $image" -Verbose

                if (![System.IO.File]::Exists($path + $image)) {
                    $StartBitsTransferSplat = @{
                        Source        = ($url + $image) 
                        Destination   = $path 
                        RetryInterval = 60
                    Start-BitsTransfer @StartBitsTransferSplat -ErrorAction Stop
                    Start-Sleep 2

                # To get here, the transfer must have finished, so set the counter
                # greater than the max value to exit the loop
                $retryCount = $MaxRetries + 1
            } # End Try block

            Catch {
                $retryCount += 1
                Write-Warning -Message "Download of $image not complete or failed. Attempting retry #: $retryCount" -Verbose
            } # End Catch Block
        } # End While loop for retries

    } # End of loop over images

} # End of test for new images
else {
    Write-Warning -Message 'No images to download'
} # End of result for no new images
于 2020-09-18T15:23:47.647 回答


  1. 这意味着为什么循环或 Get 中没有 try/catch?
  2. 如果 Get 在循环中的每个下载作业上,为什么它在循环之外?



$url  = 'https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/archdat/global/stitched/MoS_2/navgem/wind_waves/latest/'
$path = 'D:\Temp\images\Wind_Waves\latest'
$site = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url

# Create a table subset from the $site of all files returned with a .jpg extension
$table = $site.Links | 
    $_.tagName -eq 'A' -and 

# Create a list of all href items from the table & call it $images
Enumerate all of the images - for troubleshooting purposes - can be removed
Assign and display using variable squeezing
($images = $table.href)

Check to make sure there are images available for download - arbitrarily 
picked more than 2 $images
if($images.count -gt 2)
    Remove-Item ($path + '*.*') -Force
    ForEach ($image in $images)
            Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading: $image" -Verbose

            if(![System.IO.File]::Exists($path + $image))
                $StartBitsTransferSplat = @{
                    Source              = ($url + $image) 
                    Destination         = $path 
                    RetryInterval       = 60
                Start-BitsTransfer @StartBitsTransferSplat -ErrorAction Stop
                Start-Sleep 2

            Get-BitsTransfer | 
            Where-Object {$PSItem.JobState -eq 'Transferred'} | 
            Write-Warning -Message "Download of $image not complete or failed. Attempting a resume/retry" -Verbose
            Get-BitsTransfer -Name $image | Resume-BitsTransfer

    Write-Warning -Message 'No images to download'


Resume-BitsTransfer 模块:bitstransfer 恢复 BITS 传输作业。

# Example 1: Resume all BITS transfer jobs owned by the current user
Get-BitsTransfer | Resume-BitsTransfer

# Example 2: Resume a new BITS transfer job that was initially suspended
$Bits = Start-BitsTransfer -DisplayName "MyJob" -Suspended
Add-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $Bits  -ClientFileName C:\myFile -ServerFileName http://www.SomeSiteName.com/file1
Resume-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $Bits -Asynchronous

# Example 3: Resume the BITS transfer by the specified display name
Get-BitsTransfer -Name "TestJob01" | Resume-BitsTransfer
于 2020-09-03T03:02:06.663 回答

这是 postanote 提供的代码和 Do-While 循环的组合,如果抛出错误,则重试下载最多 5 次。

$url  = 'https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/archdat/global/stitched/MoS_2/navgem/wind_waves/latest/'
$path = 'D:\Temp\images\Wind_Waves\latest'
$site = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url

# Create a table subset from the $site of all files returned with a .jpg extension
$table = $site.Links | 
    $_.tagName -eq 'A' -and 

# Create a list of all href items from the table & call it $images
Enumerate all of the images - for troubleshooting purposes - can be removed
Assign and display using variable squeezing

($images = $table.href)

 <# Check to make sure there are images available for download - arbitrarily 
    picked more than 2 $images #>

    if($images.count -gt 2)
        Remove-Item ($path + '*.*') -Force
        ForEach ($image in $images)
            # Create a Do-While loop to retry downloads up to 5 times if they fail
            $Stoploop = $false
            [int]$Retrycount = "0"
                Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading: $image" -Verbose
                if(![System.IO.File]::Exists($path + $image))
                    $StartBitsTransferSplat = @{
                        Source              = ($url + $image) 
                        Destination         = $path 
                        RetryInterval       = 60
                    Start-BitsTransfer @StartBitsTransferSplat -ErrorAction Stop
                    Start-Sleep 10
                    $Stoploop = $true
                Get-BitsTransfer | 
                Where-Object {$PSItem.JobState -eq 'Transferred'} | 
                if ($Retrycount -gt 5){
                Write-Warning -Message "Download of $image not complete or failed." -Verbose
                $Stoploop = $true
                else {
                Write-Host "Could not download the image, retrying..."
                Start-Sleep 10
                $Retrycount = $Retrycount + 1
        While ($Stoploop -eq $false)
        Write-Warning -Message 'No images to download'
于 2020-09-04T14:35:27.863 回答