I am trying to test an AppClip on my device by scanning the QR code.

Apple suggested:

Next, on the device, open the Settings app, navigate to Developer > Local Experiences, and select Register Local Experience. Configure a local experience and enter: A URL prefix that invokes the app clip Copy for the app clip card’s title and the subtitle A call-to-action verb A header image Your app clip’s bundle identifier

But I can't find Developer -> Local Experience option on my device. I am using beta version of iOS 14 (beta 6)


2 回答 2


你需要将手机连接到我的电脑,并让 Xcode 将其初始化为我帐户上的开发设备。如果仍未出现,请重新启动设备并与 Xcode 保持连接。

于 2020-09-03T12:27:44.393 回答
  1. 确保您的手机已连接到 XCode 并声明为开发设备,以便Development在应用程序中查看该部分Settings
  2. 确保您使用更现代的设备,因为我看到一些旧设备没有显示该Local Experience选项,即使它们被设置为开发设备和支持QRNFC
于 2020-09-15T14:53:48.887 回答