摘要:我正在使用 telegraf 将 procstat 导入 InfluxDB。我想将 pid 从整数字段转换为 TAG,以便我可以在 Influx 中对其进行分组。


namepass = [ "procstat",]

string = [ "cmdline",]

我正在使用 Influx 1.7.9


1 回答 1


将 pid 转换为标签的正确处理器配置如下。

     namepass = [ "procstat"]

     tag = [ "pid"]

请参考转换器处理器插件的文档 https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/processors/converter

在最新版本的电报 pid 中,可以通过在输入插件配置中指定它来将其存储为标签。这里不需要转换器处理器。

pid_tag = true在配置中提及。但是,请注意在进程短暂存在时将 pid 作为标记对性能的影响。

PS:您应该尝试将您的电报版本升级到 1.14.5。此版本中对 procstat 插件进行了性能改进修复。



# Monitor process cpu and memory usage
  ## PID file to monitor process
  pid_file = "/var/run/nginx.pid"
  ## executable name (ie, pgrep <exe>)
  # exe = "nginx"
  ## pattern as argument for pgrep (ie, pgrep -f <pattern>)
  # pattern = "nginx"
  ## user as argument for pgrep (ie, pgrep -u <user>)
  # user = "nginx"
  ## Systemd unit name
  # systemd_unit = "nginx.service"
  ## CGroup name or path
  # cgroup = "systemd/system.slice/nginx.service"

  ## Windows service name
  # win_service = ""

  ## override for process_name
  ## This is optional; default is sourced from /proc/<pid>/status
  # process_name = "bar"

  ## Field name prefix
  # prefix = ""

  ## When true add the full cmdline as a tag.
  # cmdline_tag = false

  ## Add the PID as a tag instead of as a field.  When collecting multiple
  ## processes with otherwise matching tags this setting should be enabled to
  ## ensure each process has a unique identity.
  ## Enabling this option may result in a large number of series, especially
  ## when processes have a short lifetime.
  # pid_tag = false
于 2020-09-19T13:47:25.727 回答