codespace start
$ codespaces start
[2020-08-30 14:40:15.412 CLI.start I] Authenticating...
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the code BUH36PN6G to authenticate.
[2020-08-30 14:40:37.196 CLI.start I] When connecting to this Codespace, you will be logged in as: ****
Would you like to run as a persistent service/daemon? [Y]/[n]: y
[2020-08-30 14:40:42.089 CLI.start I] Will register as a service/daemon
[2020-08-30 14:40:42.373 CLI.start E] [!ERROR] We could not find any subscriptions. Please create an Azure Subscription on https://azure.microsoft.com.