我正在 nuxt 开发一个国际博客。我似乎无法访问导航组件和某些页面中的 i18n 对象。您能否说明如何访问它以及为什么我不能访问它?我假设它与生命周期相关但不确定......
在 nuxt-config.js 中:
modules: [
strategy: 'prefix_and_default',
defaultLocale: 'en',
langDir: 'lang/',
lazy: true,
locales: [
name: '日本語',
code: 'ja',
iso: 'ja-JP',
file: 'ja-JP.js'
name: 'English',
code: 'en',
iso: 'en-US',
file: 'en-US.js'
detectBrowserLanguage: {
// If enabled, a cookie is set once a user has been redirected to his
// preferred language to prevent subsequent redirections
// Set to false to redirect every time
useCookie: true,
// Set to override the default domain of the cookie. Defaults to host of the site.
cookieDomain: null,
// Cookie name
cookieKey: 'i18n_redirected',
// Set to always redirect to value stored in the cookie, not just once
alwaysRedirect: false,
// If no locale for the browsers locale is a match, use this one as a fallback
export default {
async asyncData({ $content, params}) {
const data = await $content(`${i18n.locale}/data`, params.slug).fetch()
return { data }
但我得到 i18n is undefined 错误,它可以工作,我尝试了几种模式但没有成功。