My goal is to confirm that one can use a Hawtio instance to monitor an instance running on a different machine.
I am using this example .
right now i have it running on my local machine in OSX and on a remote Ubuntu 18 machine. I try to connect them however i cant seem to monitor the instance on the other machine.
I then tried to just use the hawtIO jar to connect to that example running on the remote machine.
I first set my hawtio.proxyWhitelist or hawtio.proxyAllowList (i also tried using the hawtio JAR on my local machine) to whitelist the endpoints. (2.10 uses the former)
java -Dhawtio.proxyAllowlist=* -jar hawtio-app.jar
My issue is i am not sure what to put in the connection tabs. I have been trying port 61613 and the path as /api/jolokia but i cant seem to figure out where its running to connect to it.