我在 Windows Server 2016 中的 AD 出现问题,其密码策略如下:
现在在带有 UnboundID 的 Springboot 应用程序中,我发现的第一个问题是,在我更改密码时,最小密码年龄规则被忽略,AD 没有错误,应用程序正确更改密码,类似这样:
public String changePassword(UserAndPasswordDTO credentials) {
// Create connection with active directory
final LDAPConnection connection = this.createADConnection(myHost, Integer.parseInt(port), dn, password);
if (connection != null) {
try {
// Properly encode the password. It must be enclosed in quotation marks,
// and it must use a UTF-16LE encoding.
logger.debug("Going to encode the password.");
byte[] quotedPasswordBytes = null;
try {
final String quotedPassword = '"' + credentials.getPassword() + '"';
quotedPasswordBytes = quotedPassword.getBytes("UTF-16LE");
} catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
logger.error("Unable to encode the quoted password in UTF-16LE: "
+ StaticUtils.getExceptionMessage(uee));
// Search in active directory
SearchResult searchResult = connection.search("dc=" + domain + ",dc=com", SearchScope.SUB,
"sAMAccountName=" + credentials.getUsername());
List<SearchResultEntry> searchEntries = searchResult.getSearchEntries();
if (searchEntries.size() != 1) {
// The search didn't match exactly one entry.
logger.debug("Coming out of the change password service");
return "The search didn't match exactly one entry.";
} else {
// Get the dn value of the search
String userDN = searchEntries.get(0).getAttribute("distinguishedName").getValue();
// Attempt to modify the user password.
final Modification mod = new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE, "unicodePwd",
connection.modify(userDN, mod);
logger.debug("Coming out of the change password service");
return "Password changed succesfully";
} catch (LDAPException e) {
logger.error("Error when try to search the user to modify his password");
logger.debug("Coming out of the change password service");
return "Error when try to search the user to modify his password";
} finally {
} else {
// Connection to AD is null
logger.debug("Connection to active directory is null");
logger.debug("Coming out of the change password service");
return "Active Directory connection error";
在这种情况下,应该也可以强制密码历史,但它允许重复密码,即连续 10 次以上将密码更改为 abc+000,这意味着此密码历史不会产生错误或什么的。所以,我的问题来了……为什么会这样?我该如何解决?任何帮助将不胜感激。谢谢!
PD:我测试了复杂性要求和长度规则,这些都运行良好,为 AD 中的操作返回错误。PD2:AD 在 LDAPS 协议下。