I have an app, which is hosted on heroku, already installed in my test shop and ready to use. The app is embed in the admin. The App creates a rails view, which shall appear embed in the shop frontend as a page, like it would be created in the pages section by a shop admin.

Ive read about app bridges and app proxies which in my opinion dont give me the functionality I want. One thing I came along is building iframes on the fly on an API-created page, but i dont know if its the best way to accomplish it.

App functionality:

  1. App does something in the shopify admin and creates a link - done
  2. The link will be copied by the admin/user to his navigation - will be done manually
  3. If a customer clicks on the link in the shop-frontend-navbar, the link shall open as a shopify-page, so that the user thinks he is still in the shop-frontend.

How do I do that?


1 回答 1


当您不得不排除您选择的 App Proxies 时,也许您只是考虑了Raw App Proxies 。

对于您的情况,还有另一种类型的应用代理很有趣:具有流动响应的应用代理,它支持 Shopify 的模板语言。您可以在代理页面中使用 Liquid,就好像该页面是在线商店主题的一部分一样,最终用户不会注意到该页面已被代理。

您所要做的就是将来自代理 URL 的 HTTP 响应设置为包含



发生这种情况时,最终用户仍会在地址栏中看到 www.your-store.com/apps/proxy。但是,液体内容随后会在商家商店的活动主题中呈现。这意味着页眉、页脚和 URL 仍然适用于商家商店。液体内容被塞在页眉和页脚之间,允许应用代理显示看起来好像商家商店正在以完整的样式呈现它们的内容。


使用应用代理则不同,一旦商家卸载您的应用,链接将不再起作用,shopify 将停止代理此链接(404),而您可以在后端拒绝访问,因为商家不拥有代理页面,只要安装了应用程序,他就可以保证使用它们。

于 2020-08-28T12:18:05.377 回答