In order to click a button I have to wait for an element to slide into the visible viewport. This works reliably:

await browser.sleep( 1200 );
await btnToggleDeactivateQuestionnaire.click();

However, since I've learned that using "browser.sleep()" is considered bad practice, I want to achieve this using protractor's ExpectedConditions:

let isPresent = EC.presenceOf(btnToggleDeactivateQuestionnaire);
let isVisible = EC.visibilityOf(btnToggleDeactivateQuestionnaire);
let isClickable = EC.elementToBeClickable(btnToggleDeactivateQuestionnaire);
let isPresentAndVisibleAndClickable = EC.and(isPresent, isVisible, isClickable);

await browser.wait(isPresentAndVisibleAndClickable, 4000);
await btnToggleDeactivateQuestionnaire.click();

After waiting 4 seconds, i get the following error:

Failed: Wait timed out after 4019ms
TimeoutError: Wait timed out after 4019ms
    at C:\xxx\lib\promise.js:2201:17
    at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)

After a lot of trial and error I've figured out that using only "EC.presenceOf" will do the trick. However, as soon as I chain it with "EC.visibilityOf" or "EC.elementToBeClickable", or use either alone, the test stops for 4 seconds and fails at that point.

To me, that behaviour doesn't seem to make sense at all. Especially since that element is present since the page loaded, it's just not visible and clickabe yet (as it has to slide into view first).

Is my general understanding of ExpectedConditions, or their behaviour on a non-angular site, wrong? What am I missing here?


1 回答 1


我的猜测是这个位在量角器的能力范围内不能很好地工作?: EC.and(isPresent, isVisible, isClickable);


let isPresent = await EC.presenceOf(btnToggleDeactivateQuestionnaire);
let isClickable = await EC.elementToBeClickable(btnToggleDeactivateQuestionnaire);
await btnToggleDeactivateQuestionnaire.click();

我了解到,Web 应用程序并不总是完美的,因此当您进行自动化测试时,找到要等待的正确元素是最具挑战性的部分。

于 2020-08-24T12:57:33.653 回答