As the picture, the explanation as below:
J.Li and E.Bn will join into R.B team, then you can see the Level 1 those have 1. Then J.Li and E.Bn they also have their team, so that B.Ko and K.Un will join into J.Li team, you can also see that Level 1 those have 1 too, and C.Ki and X.Pq will join into E.Bn team, in his Level 1 also has 1 too, in this moment, you can see team R.B, the Level 2 will be appear 2 and 2, because his 2 members J.Li and E.Bn they also have members, that’s why will put the number into his Level 2, the case in Level 3 is same.
I want to know that how to do this formula is there are many member and new team create under this sheet? I have try to find spreadsheet formula, but no idea for this formula.