I'm currently experiencing a weird platform inconsistency between Mac OS X and Windows/Linux.

I've implemented an SWT DropTargetListener and tried to analyze the data dropped in the dragEnter method. Unfortunately, the data attribute of the TransferData contained in the DropTargetEvent parameter is always null on OS X (but becomes valid in DropTargetListener.drop method where it's too late to give user feedback).

It works fine under Windows and Linux.

Can anybody help me out? Or is this a known limitation of SWT DND under OS X?


1 回答 1


由于以下 bugzilla 请求仅返回一个旧错误,因此我不确定它是否是“TransferData”的活动错误。

然而,在 Mac 上为 DnD 声明了更多的错误,就像这个接近你所描述的那样。

您能否添加您正在使用的 eclipse 及其 SWT 插件的确切版本?

于 2009-03-12T15:29:41.127 回答