I am finding myself working with ObservableCollection quite a bit. I've looked around, but I can't seem to find an ObservableCollection Debug Visualizer.
Does such a thing exist?
I am finding myself working with ObservableCollection quite a bit. I've looked around, but I can't seem to find an ObservableCollection Debug Visualizer.
Does such a thing exist?
这是一个 50 美元的商业工具... Mole 2010
否则,您可以使用 DebuggerDisplayAttribute 调整可视化工具向您显示的内容。
[DebuggerDisplay("Employee ( {FullName} )")]
public class Employee
一个。MSDN 杂志:数据提示、可视化工具和查看器使 .NET 代码调试变得轻而易举