以默认的 Button 映射为例
const theme = {
appearances: {
// The amount of code in filled.status is nice and compact
filled: {
mapping: { // ⬅ if i understand this correctly, mapping is like a "parent" style that applies to all variants?
textFontFamily: "text-font-family",
borderColor: 'transparent',
textColor: '$color-text-basic',
iconTintColor: '$color-text-basic',
variantGroups: {
status: {
primary: {
backgroundColor: '$color-primary-500',
state: {
hover: {
backgroundColor: '$color-primary-400',
focused: {
backgroundColor: '$color-primary-600',
active: {
backgroundColor: '$color-primary-600',
disabled: {
backgroundColor: '$color-primary-transparent-300',
size: { // ⬅ this is applied to all other appearances which is nice but ...
tiny: { ...tinyStyles },
small: { ...smallStyles },
medium: { ...medStyles },
large: { ...largeStyles },
outline: {
mapping: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent', // ⬅ I expected this be applied to all variantGroups under outline.*
variantGroups: {
status: {
primary: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent', // ⬅ or even here, I expected this to be applied to all states under outline.primary
borderColor: '$color-primary-500',
textColor: '$color-primary-500',
iconTintColor: '$color-primary-500',
state: {
hover: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent', // ⬅ Instead, I have to repeatedly define them to override it from filled.primary
borderColor: '$color-primary-400',
textColor: '$color-primary-400',
iconTintColor: '$color-primary-400',
focused: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent', // ⬅ Instead, I have to repeatedly define them to override it from filled.primary
borderColor: '$color-primary-600',
textColor: '$color-primary-600',
iconTintColor: '$color-primary-600',
active: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent', // ⬅ Instead, I have to repeatedly define them to override it from filled.primary
borderColor: '$color-primary-600',
textColor: '$color-primary-600',
iconTintColor: '$color-primary-600',
disabled: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent', // ⬅ Instead, I have to repeatedly define them to override it from filled.primary
borderColor: '$color-primary-transparent-300',
textColor: '$color-primary-300',
iconTintColor: '$color-primary-300',