Suppose I have Spring Boot service A which depends on (calls) Spring Boot service B.

A -> B

Spring Boot Actuators can tell me if A is up.


What I want to know is if B is up, by calling A.


My question is: Is there a standard way in Spring Boot Actuators of checking the health of child services? (or do I just have to build a custom actuator service?)


1 回答 1


Spring Boot 提供了很多开箱即用的健康指标。HealthIndicator但是,您可以通过实现接口(ReactiveHealthIndicator对于反应式应用程序)添加自己的自定义健康指标:

public class ServiceBHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
    private final String message_key = "Service B";

    public Health health() {
        if (!isRunningServiceB()) {
            return Health.down().withDetail(message_key, "Not Available").build();
        return Health.up().withDetail(message_key, "Available").build();
    private Boolean isRunningServiceB() {
        Boolean isRunning = true;
        // Your logic here
        return isRunning;


            "Service B":"Available"
            "Service C":"Not Available"

您可以在 Spring Boot 文档中找到有关自定义健康检查端点的更多信息。

于 2020-08-14T06:20:33.993 回答