我正在尝试从我在大学上过的初学者 CS 课程中重构一些旧代码
我注意到从那时起(2017 年)python 发生了很多变化
我也无法找到任何非常有用的在线教程来编写和使用 Python 的抽象基类(文档除外),所以对于编写和使用 ABC 的正确方法,我几乎没有什么可做的。
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Hero.py", line 10, in <module>
from Enemy import Enemy
File "C:\Users\Ben\vscodeSCM\CS171Assignments\Zelda_CLI_game\Enemy.py", line 15, in <module>
class Enemy(metaclass = abc.ABCMeta):
File "C:\Users\Ben\vscodeSCM\CS171Assignments\Zelda_CLI_game\Enemy.py", line 32, in Enemy
def __init__(self):
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__bases__'
from Enemy import Enemy
class Hero(Enemy):
'''Class Level Docstring: Hero Object has six attributes,
most of which are nessecary for gameplay mechanisms.
Name is purely descriptive (no impact on game implementation details)
Therefore, name is the only mutable value, able to be set via constructor.
def __init__(self,name):
self._name = name
self.__health = 200
self.__defense_mode = False
self.__bombs = 20
self.__elixers = 5
self.__arrows = 10
def __repr__(self):
'''Returns Hero attributes.
(health and defense_mode are implementation details)'''
return "Health: {} / 200\n\
\r\rBombs: {} / 20\n\
\r\rElixers: {} / 6\n\
\r\rArrows: {} / 10".format(self.__health, self.__bombs, self.__elixer, self.__arrows)
def __str__(self):
'''Returns Hero description'''
return "{}, a young warrior, clad in green".format(self.__name)
def health_bar(self):
'''Returns Hero health points vs. max health points.'''
return "{}/200".format(self.__health)
###Basic. Defense and Special attack for hero, overriden from Enemy.
def basic_attack(self, enemy):
'''Offensive attack that leaves Hero vulnerable.'''
self.__defense_mode = False
def basic_name(self):
'''Provides name for Hero basic attack.'''
return "used the Master sword"
def defense_attack(self, enemy):
'''Parry attack that bolsters hero defense
while also doing small amount of damage to enemy.'''
self.__defense_mode = True
def defense_name(self):
'''Returns the name for Hero defense attack'''
return "shield strike"
def special_attack(self, enemy):
'''A Powerful attack that does higher amount of damage
and also swaps defense mode. If defense mode is true,
does the standard amount of damage. If false, does
greater damage but also hurts the Hero.
if self.__bombs:
if self.__defense_mode:
self.__defense_mode = False
return "The bomb had a Direct Hit.\nYour enemy recoils"
self.__defense_mode = True
self.__health -= 20
return "The bomb was very powerful.\n\
Your enemy was badly injured,\n\
but you were damaged as well by the shrapnel"
return "no bombs remaining.\nCannot use Special attack."
def special_name(self):
'''Returns the name of the special attack.'''
return "Used a bomb"
#Hero unique moves- Arrow and Elixer
def use_arrow(self, enemy):
'''Projectile attack:
highly effective, has no effect on defense mode.
but limited availability/ uses- 10 available arrows per game.'''
self.__arrows= self.__arrows - 1
def arrow_name(self):
'''Returns the name of arrow attack.'''
return "{} fired an arrow".format(self.__name)
def arrow_count(self):
'''Returns the number of arrows remaining vs. maximum.'''
return "{} / 10".format(self.__arrows)
def elixer(self):
'''Replenishes half of the Heros max health point.
but limited uses, also turns defense mode to false.
self.__defense_mode = False
self.__health + 100
self.__elixers - 1
def elixer_name(self):
'''Returns the name of the elixer move.'''
return "drank an elixer"
def elixer_count(self):
'''Returns the amount of remaining elixers vs max elixers.'''
return "{} / 5".format(self.__elixers)
def do_damage(self, damage):
subtracts damage argument from Hero health.
If Defense mode is true, cuts value of damage argument in half.
self.__health -= damage // 2
self.__health -= damage
def reset_health(self):
'''Sets the health points of Hero to maximum.'''
self.__health = 200
def reset_ammo(self):
'''Sets all the ammunititions to the max/initial value'''
self.__arrows = 10
self.__elixers = 5
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Running in standby mode")
这是 Enemy 抽象基类
import abc
from abc import ABCMeta
#cant figure out how to inherit from metaclass = ABCe
class Enemy(metaclass = abc.ABCMeta):
'''Class Level Docstring: creates signitures/ abstract methods
for init (constructor), __str__ (string repr.) and all helper
methods for gameplay.
NOTE: getter methods are retained from version 1, despite
this class adhering to the Descriptor protocol/ being a
new style class.
This is done in order to facilitate documentation.
When users implement the enemy class they will understand
how use of their object attributes makes gameplay/ battle possible.
version = 2.0
def __init__(self):
'''Construct enemy by passing in name, desc & health as args.'''
def __str__(self):
'''Returns all attributes/properties of the enemy.'''
return NotImplemented
def get_name(self):
'''Returns the enemy name.'''
return NotImplemented
def get_description(self):
'''Returns a short message describing
the enemy and providing any nessecary information.
return NotImplemented
def get_health(self):
'''An enemy with 0 health is defeated.'''
return NotImplemented
#gamified versions of setters/mutator methods
def do_damage(self, damage):
'''Positive numeric argument does damage,
and negative numeric argument heals enemy.'''
return NotImplemented
def reset_health(self):
'''Returns health to starting HP.'''
return NotImplemented
# the attacks include: basic attack, defensive attack, special attack
# each of these has a corresponding method for returning the attack name.
def basic_attack(self, enemy):
'''A less powerful, more commonly used attack.'''
return NotImplemented
def basic_name(self):
'''returns basic attack name.'''
return NotImplemented
def defense_attack(self, enemy):
'''Defensive move that counters or blocks an opponent
attack. some may infrequently do damage to opponent.
return NotImplemented
def defense_name(self):
'''Returns defense attack name.'''
return NotImplemented
def special_attack(self, enemy):
'''Special attack which has limited availability, that may deal
extra damanage, have increased accurarcy, or some other desired effect.
return NotImplemented
def special_name(self):
'''Returns name of special attack,'''
return NotImplemented
另一个问题是智能感知或 vscode 在查找我的导入文件时遇到问题,尽管它们都在同一个目录中。它强调了“敌人”在from Enemy import Enemy
我提出了关于导入的第二个问题,因为我怀疑它可能是第一个错误的原因。此导入行之前导致错误,直到我在我的首选项中编辑了一些内容:python 语言特定配置文件(注释掉“python.jediEnabled”行:false,因为来自不同 stackoverflow 帖子的解决方案,其中用户有一个类似的问题)保存这些更改后,Hero.py 和 Enemy.py 脚本暂时工作,但不久后我开始收到上面提到的这个 AttributeError。